Random thoughts
Did you realize that Lance Armstrong is only 33!!!! I just heard that yesterday. I had thought he was more like 45! First of all, he looks older. Second, he just SEEMS older. And he has 3 or 4 children! And they aren't just babies! So let's see, I'm almost 29, so he's got four years on me. He's dating a pop star in her 40's, been married and divorced, fathered three or four children, won 7 Tours de France, and beat terrible cancer. This makes me feel like I really need to get on the ball! I CANNOT believe he's only 33! That just sucks for me!
I'm off to work out! Since I had the most amazing but filling chicken fingers at lunch with Violet. And at lunch we talked about everything from jobs to men to moods to sex! It was such a great girl lunch!!!!