Weekend update and 29 candles!
First I'll tell of birthday and then about my Saturday! Warsteiner woke me up yesterday at 9:30 to wish me a happy birthday - he was the first one! And he told me last night when I saw him that he had gotten up much earlier and wanted to call me, but didn't want to wake me up. He said he kept talking himself out of calling, even though he wanted to, but by 9:30 he figured my mom must have called me so he was just going to call and wake me up, too! He's so cute! After he called I went back to sleep for half and hour and then The German called and wanted to take me out for a birthday brunch. He came over a little after 11 and brought me flowers and a little 2006 "Bad Cat" daily calendar, and five more porn tapes! He takes good care of me :) Oh, and I gave him a check for $825, so I only owe him $400 now.
We went up to Tweet for brunch and had mimosas first next door at Big Chicks while we were waiting to be seated at Tweet. Yum! And the bartender even gave me mine for free since it was my birthday! At Tweet, we each had breakfast burritos and they make the most scrumptious ones ever there! I really think that's the best breakfast place in the city when you consider the food and the atmosphere. After brunch we walked for a bit, with me complaining the whole time because my stomach was so full! We eventually caught a bus and almost witnessed a fight between 3 separate crazy men. It started just between two of them - the first guy accused the second guy of pushing him, and the second guy accused the first guy of falling into him. The first guy threatened to kick the second guy's ass if he touched him again. They sat two seats apart and glared at each other. Both were in their 50's and had a few rocks missing. After a few more exchanged words, another crazy man in his 50's, wearing a purple suit, got up and told man number two to be quiet, and then tried kicking him a few times - and it was the kind of kicking that Hugh Grant and Colin Firth do in Bridget Jones's Diary - it was hilarious!! Then Mr. Purple Suit got off the bus and the other two rode in relative peace. It was too funny! There were a few other people who got in with some very different outfits as well. Interesting bus ride!
The German and I got back to my place and hung out a little and gave James and Emma love and play, and by then I was late getting ready for the wedding, so he took his leave and I rushed around madly. Florida Girl and Mr. Asparagus got me a little before 5 and we picked up The Sleeper and The Italian Chef and headed to the South Side for the reception. It was fun and almost everyone from work was there. We watched my boss and his wife dance and secretly laughed at them - they have spent nearly $10,000 - yes, that's right, not a typo - on dance lessons over the past two years. But neither of them are naturals or have rhythm, so they just look kind of silly! And there was the silliest guy there, super skinny, dressed all in white - baggy white jeans and a white buttondown - missing some teeth, and with big cowboy boots on. He knocked some guy in the head to catch the garter and then really thought he was hot shit after that - kept sauntering around like a cowboy, going up to every girl and showing them the garter around his arm and I know asking them to dance, and always getting dissed. And following the family into family photos and jumping into them! He was the funniest thing I've ever seen at a wedding! Seriously a character out of movie - and I took lots of pictures of him and even a couple little videos!
Our crew of five left at around 10:30 - Florida Girl and I couldn't stop yawning! Warsteiner and I had planned that I'd stay at his place, so after dropping of The Sleeper and The Italian Chef, the three of us got back to their place at about 11:45 so I went straight to Warsteiner's and we had some fun and then went to sleep. Today I am ridiculously tired. My eyes are watery and hurting and also I seem to be coming down with a cold. My nose is running and shit is in the back of my throat so I keep coughing to get it out and every once in awhile making very disgusting noises! I can't wait to go home after work and relax, do laundry, clean a little, and then SLEEP! I am worthless with work today. And I need a good sleep so I can be all perfect tomorrow for THE BIG SECOND INTERVIEW!!!!!
My Saturday:
I slept late after the big feast on Friday night and made it to Florida Girl's at 1:30. I tried on some dresses on the off chance that I could actually wear a dress to the wedding, but dresses are just so hard to find! Mr. Asparagus came home from golfing (he hates this name I gave him, by the way, even though I thought it would be funny, so I may change it in the future to Gym Guy or something like that, but I haven't decided), and a little later Warsteiner stopped up. Later I went down to his place and we hung out there and things got pretty hot. Afterward we went to the festival Taste of Lincoln. We found a great spot right by the fence and near the stage where Warsteiner said two good groups were going to play. I also spotted a guy who I went to law school with and his wife, so we hung out with them.
We were there from about 4:30 to almost 10 - long day! Warsteiner and I finally went to find some food around 9:00 and after we came back the other two left to get food, while we guarded our space. It was at this time that I asked him whether he was still seeing any of his ex-girlfriends, and I said "because somehow I think Dawn was at your place last week Sunday." And first he said "you know her name now, you have spies all over the place!" and then told me that she had been at a friend's place who lives right by him, so she had called and BOTH of them had stopped by for twenty minutes. And he said he'd have told me about her. He was very honest and open and said he also had lunch with her on Friday cause it was her last day at Abbott, and then he probably won't talk to her again or not for a long time, or at least he has no interest in keeping in touch. So he made me feel much better about that whole issue.
Then he talked to me about his family, and about various siblings. He told me that he doesn't get along with two of them - a brother, the third oldest, I think he's probably around 43 years old. Warsteiner said the guy had just always been an ass to him his whole life, and just wasn't a nice person. He said he'd tell me some specific things sometime. But he spent most of the time talking about his sister, I'll just call her M, who is two above him. He said she's always made bad judgments and she got a divorce a couple years ago, but has two kids from that marriage. What has really upset him, though, is that for the past year she has been allegedly having an affair with a married man who has five children, even though she always denies the affair. Warsteiner's sort of been been put in a bad situation, cause he went to college with the brother of the jilted wife, although he hardly knew the guy. But a few months back this guy called him and asked if he could talk to his sister because this guy's sister was trying to save her marriage. But Warsteiner doesn't even really talk to M since this affair came to light. It's also hurting his relationship with his sister S, who is right between him and M and best friends with M. Now, the good thing is that Warsteiner said you take a marriage vow, it's a vow and it's forever, and you stick with each other through thick and thin. But he said the word "sacrament" a few times, and that kind of scares me - being that it's so Catholic. And I understand the moral thing of staying married, but sometimes it just doesn't work. And sometimes you fall out of love. Of course, I believe it takes work for a marriage so you always have to be conscious of that and work at it. But if a marriage really isn't working, and you've tried therapy and you've tried other things, it's okay to call it quits, I think. And often the children will be better off with the parents apart than together fighting or hating each other. And also, if it's not working, each part of the couple has the right to try to find happiness. But he brings the religion into it a little too much, and I really think he believes a couple should never ever divorce once they have taken that vow. The whole "sacrament" talk is VERY Catholic. But he's a good person. Only VERY upset at his sister. And when I brought up the counter-argument that I have detailed above, I premised it with "you're not going to like this" and he said "I know what you're going to say, and no, I don't like it." A bit stubborn and close-minded. But he didn't get angry at me, per se, he said he just gets really worked up when talking about his sister. I'll definitely be exploring all of these things more! Anyway, after the festival, both of us were so tired and a bit drunk, and wanted to sleep, so he gave me money and put me in cab, since if he walked me home it would be another hour before we would get to sleep!
So there was Saturday. This morning Warsteiner dropped me off at home. He's supposed to be going to Michigan today for his vacation, but he said he feels guilty about work and it's so busy now and he feels bad leaving. He was going to work from home this morning and he said there was a status meeting at 10:30 and then he'd know whether he was needed. So I don't know whether he is now at work is on his way to Michigan. He does work too much. On Saturday he said a few times how he felt guilty, and each time I pointed out that work will go on without him, and it's just work, etc. He does love his job, he's said that a few times. And that's good. He just can't love it too much. He's got to be willing to take wonderful and long vacations with me!!!!
My nose now won't stop running. My eyes are watering all over. And my throat has drainage in it. Wonderful! I'm leaving early today.
I'm posting this now and going out with The Italian Chef to do some errands. And maybe the sun will make me feel better...