An engagment, a license, blueness, and the most beautiful thing I've ever read
Thursday, July 28
3 cups coffee w/ milk
1/2 slice of yummy bread that someone brought to work
1 yogurt
2 handfuls of pretzels
Roast beef and cheddar sandwich with pickles on side from little Austrian bakery
A bunch of chocolate chips - but didn't you hear, chocolate is good for us!
None, good for me. There were a few times the craving was really strong, but I prevailed
40 minutes walking on treadmill, weights for abs, inner and outer thighs and ass
I just got back from getting my first ever Illinois driver's license. And I had to give them my old Michigan driver's license. It shouldn't be weird for me, since I've lived in Illinois for going on 8 years now, but it was a little bittersweet. And I'm melancholy today anyway. I'm actually sad that I don't have my Michigan license anymore. It's like part of my identity has been taken away, part that set me apart from other Chicagoans. But I was happy that I passed the test! I actually studied for it! I spent an hour and a half this morning reading the pdf manual. And I only missed one question - what to do when you hydroplane. How the fuck am I supposed to know this! Only guys know what to do in the bad situations cause when they're young they intentionally put themselves in exactly those situations.
Warsteiner can't come to The Italian Chef's place tonight. Last night he called me on the way home and said he probably wouldn't be able to make it, but he'd try. He's on vacation next week so I can see why he'd need to stay late. And I'm sure he'll have to do some work over the weekend as well. He's always working it seems. He called this afternoon and right when he called someone came in his office so he had to make it really short, but he said he wouldn't be able to get there in time. Last night after he told me that and we got off the phone, I had a crying spell. It only lasted 5 minutes but was one of those intense, unable to breath cries. I think I must definitely be PMSing. I'm feeling VERY blue today. I had so looked forward to hanging out with Warsteiner around Florida Girl and Mr. Asparagus, and introducing him to The Italian Chef. Last night he said maybe he could meet Florida Girl, Mr. Asparagus and I out for a drink later tonight. And he said if not, he wants to see me sometime this weekend cause he leaves for Michigan on Monday for the week. I told him he better see me or I'd kick his ass, but then again, you know last night I cried right afterward. I am 95% sure that he'll also be too busy to come to the wedding on Sunday afternoon that he said he'd try to go to. He'll have work and also packing, and last minute things, and he has something already on Sunday from 12 to 2:30. So I guess he'll just squeeze me in somewhere. I'm BLUE. And feeling very sorry for myself and not even trying to get happy. Shame on me!
Last night, I watched the movie Le Divorce. I liked it much more than I thought I would. But it was sad, too. Or at least in my mood I found it sad. However, it had one of the most beautiful poems in it that I've ever heard. A little fact about me: senior year of high school, I won the poetry award from the English teachers. I used to write poetry all the time, all through high school. Most of it I look back on and wonder WHY the teachers didn't send me to the school psychologist. My depression and issues were pretty obvious. Today I'd have definitely been sent there. But anyway, it was a way for me to get the stuff out and also in a beautiful way. I haven't written poetry much since high school, but reading some of Anne Bradstreet's poems last night really inspired me. And this one is the most beautiful one, and maybe one of the most beautiful things period that I've ever heard. I hope to maybe one day have this printed on my wedding invitations, or booklet, or something. It is so lyrical and beautiful, and makes me both relaxed, introspective, sad because I don't yet have this, and just awed by its beauty.
To my Dear and Loving Husband
by Anne Bradstreet (1612-1672)
If ever two were one, then surely we.
If ever man were lov'd by wife, then thee.
If ever wife was happy in a man,
Compare with me, ye women, if you can.
I prize thy love more than whole Mines of gold
Or all the riches that the East doth hold.
My love is such that Rivers cannot quench,
Nor ought but love from thee give recompetence.
Thy love is such I can no way repay.
The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray.
Then while we live, in love let's so persever
That when we live no more, we may live ever.