Some new insights and my musings thereon
Florida Girl and Mr. Asparagus (who doesn't like the name I chose for him) came a little after 7:00. As you know, Warsteiner lives right below them. I told Mr. Asparagus the play by play of Warsteiner and I, from our first meeting in their home, to our first date, and various things he's said. A few things are bothering me now. First of all, Warsteiner's work schedule and how much he works. There has to come a time when a person realizes that life is so much more than work! At least that's what I think. Warsteiner has to be at work at 8 am, so leaves at around 6:30 am each morning. He's been calling me I'd say an average of 8:30 pm from the road each night, on his way home. So he's gone from 6:30 am to around 9:00 pm. Or later. That's just ridiculous. He has a couple hours at the most to unwind and relax, and then has to go to sleep and then he starts it all over again. Of course, arguing for him, he did leave work very early for our first date, and he also got home between 7:00 and 7:30 for our next two dates. And left at 4:30 last week Friday. If he was getting home at 7 each night, that would be acceptable, considering the commute, but getting home at 9 is not acceptable, in my opinion. Or only if one is alone, not in a real relationship. Mr. Asparagus told me that he had hardly seen Warsteiner this whole summer, which indicates that it's not just the past couple weeks that Warsteiner has been working so late.
Some other concerns, all told to me by Mr. Asparagus, for which I love him and so appreciate his friendship.
First - last weekend Mr. Asparagus saw Warsteiner's ex-girlfriend leave his place around 2 pm. It must have been on Sunday. From what I know, he dated this girl, and her job sent her to Puerto Rico, I have no idea for how long or if it's permanent. Warsteiner actually scheduled the date on which he would break up with her - because she would be back in town - June 14th of this year. Mr. Asparagus said she's kind of dorky/nerdy and a bit odd, but in a funny way. I don't know exactly what that means. Apparently, after a few beers recently, but I don't know when, Warsteiner told Mr. Asparagus that he didn't know how to get rid of the ex, that she keeps calling and wanting to come over, wanting to go out, etc. SO, I don't know what to make of her leaving his apartment, but no matter what, it doesn't make me happy at all. Instead, it breeds a little bit of distrust.
Second, sexually. As you know, Warsteiner dated a girl in his building for perhaps close to a year. No one in the building knew anything about it all during this time. They actually wondered whether Warsteiner was dating a different girl in the building (who he used to regularly barbeque with and they would eat on white tableclothes with wine, very odd). Warsteiner told Mr. Asparagus after the fact that he slept at this girl's apartment every night. So far, this is all fine. Now, this girl's apartment is right about Florida Girl and Mr. Asparagus. And her bedroom is right above theirs. With wood floors. As an example of how they know what's going on up there, every morning they hear her alarm clock go off and hear her literally jump out of bed and it seems run down the hall to turn the shower on. In other words, they sort of have an idea what's going on upstairs, at least movement. Florida Girl and Mr. Asparagus have heard the girl above having sex once. ONCE. And that is with her current boyfriend of I guess a year. Also wierd, they heard banging of the bed but no verbal noises. But that shows some boringness on her part. So the problem here is that Warsteiner apparently spent an entire year sleeping in her bed at night, and Florida Girl and Mr. Asparagus never heard a peep. So either there was no sex, which I don't believe, or it was unbelieveably and boringly tame! Which is terrible!
Third, this third girl, who many in the building wondered whether he was dating. White tableclothes? Wine? Also, Mr. Asparagus gets a very odd, strange and I think somewhat icky (my word) vibe from her and I trust his instincts and judgment completely. Warsteiner has a key to her place, I know because he goes up and gets her dog sometimes when she's not home and brings the dog down to hang out with him. There seems to be something more here. Probably in the past, but something.
Fourth, I worry about him looking at and wanting other girls. As you know, on one night I saw him check out two girls. And that was when he was with me. What's he like around friends? I have such an aversion to men who are always obviously checking women out. The fraternity boys from a couple weekends ago. I have a hard time trusting as it is, but if he's always checking other women out, I will not be able to take that. Mr. Asparagus - he's a good guy. He's been with Florida Girl for about ten years now and married for three. And he doesn't check other girls out. He's what a boyfriend and husband should be like.
Fifth, his political views. I am a Democrat. He, I know, is a Republican, even though he just sort of laughs when I say it. Mr. Asparagus has the impression that Warsteiner is more conservative than he and Florida Girl. And he did before tell me that he was stubborn. Even before tonight, I have been planning to, in a light way, "interview him" when we next go to dinner. I just want to know more about him. And there are some things that I need to know, and that's how Catholic he is and how conservative he is. So I want to ask him about specific issues. And not as I sound now, in some accusing way. I just want to discuss some real things with him. And I like talking about these things. But they will also possibly be important things, and it will be important whether we can agree on things or at least respect each other's views, and also how he reacts and debates. And also how far apart we may be on some issues.
Now I realize that all of what I've written tonight is based on hearsay, and I don't have Warsteiner's side of the story or imput. So I will try to wake up tomorrow with a fresh mind and go from there. But the work thing is really bothersome right now. Still, he promised to make it up to me tomorrow, and I am excited to see him. Although he said he was going to take me to a street fair and I'm not usually a fan of them and all the people. I'll see how I feel tomorrow.
One other thing - when I talked to him around 3:30 today just after I left work, I got up the courage to ask about Sunday and the wedding. And he said "it looks like I won't be able to go..." Which I knew already anyway. I'll still have a fabulous time as everyone who I love at work will be there. But for awhile, I liked the idea of being able to actually have a date for once, and someone who I was excited about.
One good thing - he's not on a pedestal anymore! So I can think clearly and about what's hopefully in my best interest!