The interview is over, so now it's out of my hands - oh please let them hire me!!!!!!!!!
Right after the interview Courtney just walked me to Tivo's office, since he obviously knew I'd want to visit with her. I was excited and giddy and also told her about my silliness!!! I'm so happy she was there today! And that she helped me by talking to Courtney about me! Tivo, I hope you're reading this over your morning coffee!!!! You're wonderful!!!! And I can't wait to see the pictures of the hole in your wall that Zoe made, even though it's not really funny!
I went back to work after the interview and talking to Tivo, and changed out of my suit. I feel like I'm dressing up in my mom's clothes when I wear a suit! And then I talked to my bosses who were so supportive. At a little after 5:15 (I was a few minutes late - I'm sorry!) I met Violet and FireCracker at Poag Mahone's - they are so wonderful and took me out for a joint celebration of my birthday and second interview! Tivo met us there after she got off work, and we had beer and wonderfully, sinfully yummy spinach artichoke dip, and then later Violet and I had fabulous burgers. It was so fun and I loved hanging out with them and girl talking and it was just wonderful! I love having girls who like to sometimes just hang out with ourselves instead of the guys as well. Guys are always fun, but sometimes it's great to just be the girls. And girlfriends are so important. I feel blessed to have such friends!
Oh - I have to do my food etc for yesterday. I was extremely bad, so feel free to just not look at it. Sometimes I see a compulsive side of myself. I'll also write down the weekend. And today.
Tuesday, August 2
3 cups coffee w/ milk
1 yogurt (eaten after my interview - I couldn't eat anything before)
Some spinach artichoke dip w/ chips - oh so yum!
1/2 burger w/ cheese
2 Coronas
1 bottle Pino Grigio
None, but my heart was beating so fast most of the day in nervousness
Monday, August 1
2 cups coffee w/ milk
2 peanut butter cookies
a little baggy of Triscuits
Medium bowl of brocolli-cheddar soup from Au Bon Pain
1 whole box of Le Petit Ecolier dark chocolate cookies - yes, a whole box. I was craving chocolate. And when I crave, I don't stop
About 10 triscuits w/ cream cheese
6-pack of Grolsch
Sunday, July 31st (My Birthday!!!)
Food and Alcohol:
At Tweet for breakfast: 2 very small pieces of coffee cake, large and amazing breakfast burrito w/ beans, avocado, etc. - and with sour cream; 2 cups coffee w/ cream; 1 mimosa
At wedding: a little of the following: very thinly shaved roast beef, turkey and dressing, mashed potatos, vegetables, cake and tiny cup of ice cream; 1 glass red wine, 1 MGD
Exercise: None, except for racing heartrate during amazing oral sex and G-spot fingering
Saturday, July 30
3 cups coffee w/ milk
A few triscuits
3 absolutely terrible potstickers, 1 eggroll, and 1 bbq chicken strip on a stick
Probably 7 or 8 beers at festival, and 1 Corona afterward
Friday, July 29 (this is harder to remember, but I'm doing my best)
1 Arby's Junior Roast Beef (I really needed some sustenance after getting my driver's license, and had limited places to choose from! But it was so good! And my second job ever was at Arby's - where I worked for a year)
I think I counted 5 pieces of pizza (at The Italian Chef's), as well as 1 piece of roast pork and many, many heads of her amazing broccoli
A bunch of triscuits with cream cheese
3 Corona's at The Italian Chef's, and I think 5 more when I got home
Okay, finally finished. From recounting the badness.
I again didn't call my friend. Instead, I have hid from it by drinking a bottle of wine. I'm such a coward. I'll call her tomorrow in the late morning. It's easier to make myself do things at work, because I don't have as many other distractions to hide behind.