Update on my little James
So little James weighs 14 pounds exactly! I actually thought he was heavier, and he's so muscular!! I always tell him that if he was out on the street, he'd be the stud muffin and all the girls would want to get with him! Of course, I tell little Emma that all the boy cats would want to get with her cause she's the most beautiful and cutest kitten ever, and has such a sweetness about him! In less than two weeks both babies go in for their annual checkups, and I'm so curious to see how much little Emma weighs, cause she's such a teensy little thing!
From the beginning, I picked little James up first and then took the carrier out of the closet - he struggled a little but I got him inside, and then he sat right down. Of course, as soon as Emma heard the clink of the carrier door, her little eyes got all big and she went racing into the bedroom and I'm sure as far under the bed as she could get! On the elevator ride down, James reminded me of him as a kitten - he was looking out of the top of the carrier, which also opens, and he just seemed to be all eyes and white eyebrow whiskers! He was calm, all things considered, on the way down and when we walked across the street to get a cab going in the right direction. And when we got a cab, I set his cage on my lap so he could see out the window a little. And he was watching everything, a little concerned but still calm. He's so brave!!! At the vet, I set the carrier on a chair sideways while I checked in - he was so cute looking out the side holes to see everything! He just watches all the dogs with interest!
We got called in right away and after he was weighed, the doctor came right in. I like her so much, she was even talking to him in the baby voice and apologizing while she was taking his temperature in his little butt and he was growling deep within his throat. She reminds me of me! So, she said he looked completely healthy, which is so good! But the one thing that I didn't bring was a stool sample, cause when I got home he hadn't gone anymore poopy. I checked the bathtub three times just to check, and checked the litter box, and everywhere else I could think of. I even put him in the litter box a few times after he ate. But nothing. Well, the vet wanted to check his stool, so she said she was going to extract some from his little butt. She had me go out in the waiting area and said they'd bring him right out, and that she would come out and talk to me after they checked his stool. Now, James was in the last room down the hall, the farthest down. I sat in the closest chair to hall. And after a minute, I heard a scream - of a cat! I was so worried that it was him! 30 seconds later the helper came down the hall with my baby, and he was all calm and sitting there in his carrier. I asked, and she said that yes, the scream had been James, that he was good through the whole thing but freaked out at the end. My poor baby!! That was such a loud scream, it went through the door and all the way down the hall! But luckily he was all fine once he got in the carrier.
One good thing, while we were sitting there, I held James on my lap, and a couple with a little adorable Golden Retriever puppy sat right next to us. The puppy kept crawling over to me to say hi, and licking me, and looking right in James's carrier - and sometimes the puppy's face was almost right next to James's! But my brave baby never even flinched!! And that's so good, cause sometime in the future I'll want to get a puppy!
The vet came out and his stool was fine. I had told her about my problems with getting James to take the pill, and she said there was also a liquid form of the medicine, so she ordered that. And had it flavored with tuna taste!! I love that! I just picked up the medicine tonight, but I haven't given it to him yet. I want to check the litter box, cause last night he went poopy again in the bathtub, but it was normal. So I don't want to give him medicine if he doesn't need it. They also gave me some food to give him.
The appointment cost $80. $50 for the exam, $8 for the food, and $22 for the fecal exam. And the medicine today cost $22. As a result, I had to have my mom last night buy me my plane ticket to Indianapolis next Thursday. It was $136.90. I told her I'd pay her back $100 next Friday (I made the assumption that if I took that Amtrak home to go down with them, it would be about $37, and also I'd miss an extra day of work). So next Thursday I leave at 8:30 pm and get to Indy at 9:30, and come back Sunday, leaving at 3:30 and getting in at about 4:30. And I'm flying from Midway, which is so much easier! Plus, getting back at 4:30 on Sunday, it will still be light for the hour commute home.
So, James is okay! Yay! I gave him tons of love when we got home last night, and brushed him, and he was purring all over the place!
On a different subject, I haven't heard a peep from Warsteiner since Monday, when he came by after work, with his car all packed, so say goodbye and get his "Caterpillar fix" until he next saw me. I don't know if he's just not that into me, or somehow thinks when he's on vacation he doesn't need to use a phone. If he wasn't that into me, then why did he stop by on Monday? But if he is into me, why hasn't he wanted to hear my voice or just see how I am? I am baffled by this behavior. I think he was planning on coming back either tonight or tomorrow, so I'll see if I hear from him then.
It's 9:00 pm now, and I so far picked up James's medicine and got my mystic tan (have I mentioned what a miracle this is for fair skinned people!). What I haven't done, and need to do tonight: fully clean my apartment, do laundry (that has needed to be done for the past week), send out volunteer group minutes from July's meeting, and finish EVERYTHING for the DVD. Tomorrow I'm going to take the blue line out to near O'hare and my uncle will pick me up, around noon. And then my aunt is going to help me put together the DVD. And then in the evening they're all going to drive me back to the city and we'll go somewhere for dinner, and then I'm sure they'll come up to see my new apartment (hence me needing to fully clean it tonight). So, as soon as I send this, I'm going to get my laundry together and take it down and then clean up. And then I'll work on the DVD. The minutes can wait, more than anything else.
I'll take a break later to post about the Wine Party that we're having for my volunteer group!