RENT coming in November - yay!!! And other good thoughts! And more on poop as well!
This morning on the Today show they had the cast of the new movie Rent, out in November. I can't wait! I may actually want to see that on the first day out!!! I know the entire soundtrack by heart because I've listened to it so many times, hundreds of times. And what's great is that I think all but two members of the original broadway cast are back, which is of course good because I don't like when you're used to hearing songs sung one way and with one voice, and then suddenly it's changed.
The first time I saw Rent was in London, in 1999, on the last night of my seven week study abroad. I studied based in Innsbruck, Austria, and over the course of the various long weekends visited Salzburg, Munich, Budapest, Vienna, Venice, Florence, Capri, Geneva, Barcelona, Paris, and I finally ended up in London for four days. The trip was life-changing, eye-opening. It was the first time I'd done anything like that by myself. And I grew so much in those seven weeks, and discovered things about myself, and learned so many things and experienced so many things. So, my last night in London, one of the people I met through the study abroad program and I went to see Rent. I had heard of it but knew hardly anything about it. I was also so depressed, seriously sad, that I had to go back to the US the next day and back to law school and that all of the amazing times were behind me. I was disillusioned with America a little as well. I can still feel my feelings as I talk about this.
Well anyway, watching Rent that first time was amazing. The music was amazing, the message was perfect. When, at the end, they were singing, "Living in America, at the end of the're what you own..." I was ready to cry. I didn't want to go back to Chicago, I didn't want to go to stupid law school. I just wanted to stay in Europe, to live like Hemmingway and experience real life! As the curtain fell at the end of the show, I had tears in my eyes, I stood and applauded, I wanted to just stay there and tell the cast how much they affected me! And then I went and used some of my tiny amount of money that I had left to buy the CD soundtrack. And whenever I listen to the soundtrack, it puts me in a mood. I get really into it. Just like when I listen to the Les Miserables soundtrack, by the end I'm crying, depressed, and don't want to talk to anyone. Also when I listen to Rent, it's like I'm back in 1999 and I feel the excitement of Europe and of all my discoveries, and also the sadness of having to go back home.
I saw Rent one other time, about a year ago here in Chicago. It was good but we had seats up pretty high, and I didn't think the cast was as good as the cast in London had been. I liked listening to the soundtrack better.
So I am so excited for the movie to come out!!! All the amazing songs, and with so many of the original actors, and the wonder of movies. It will be so good, and so touching, and I know I'll cry. I want to go on the first night cause there will be all the others who love it so much, too! The musical and soon to be movie also have such a good lesson - that life can be short, and we have to make the most of it by doing what love and loving those around us, and going after our dreams, and not being afraid to take chances. It's something I wish that I lived by more, but I also try to always keep it in mind. Which reminds me - I haven't been doing good at all with my daily quotes! Today you get two of them, both quotes that I read in Parade magazine in the middle of articles on these two movie stars. And both of these quotes are along the same lines of the theme that Rent propounds.
Quotes of the Day
Life is so short. Every year just whizzes by, and I keep having to remind myself not to worry and to go out and do whatever I want. Stay up late, go to that movie, eat that cheeseburger, go on that trip - because that's all that matters. That's what you're going to remember, not sitting around fucking moping and questioning stuff all the time. But that's so hard to live by, isn't it? - Liv Tyler
We each have only a limited amount of time here. We have to do more with it - pay attention, explore, be open to all of life. Because we only have one chance, we have to make life seem longer than it really is. - Viggo Mortensen
I typed out those quotes and tons of other that I collected over the years, mostly from daily calendars, put them in text boxes with different fonts, and have them in my bathroom framed. I have 3 8x10 sheets of my quotes in there, and so I get to read them all the time to keep them fresh in my mind. To always remind myself what's important!
I'm taking off from work in ten minutes so I can get home in plenty of time to get James all ready for his little vet appointment. Last night I was thinking that maybe he was better. There wasn't tons of diarrhea in the litter pan and he didn't have poopy butt. I was SO proved wrong this morning! I noticed that the bathroom smelled absolutely terrible. I thought it was my old coffee sitting in there - and the milk was curdling a little in the middle of the coffee - sorry for being gross! So I took that in the kitchen and dumped it out but when I went back in the bathroom the smell was still there - and it was TERRIBLE! One of the worst smells I'd ever smelled. And so strong! Finally when I went to turn on the shower I found 3 big spots of diarrhea in the tub. Two were dried and one was relatively fresh. It took me 20 minutes to fully clean it all off, and the smell was there for most of it. I kept spraying 409 cause I figured any smell was better than the poopy smell! But I tried to most of the time just breath through my mouth. Well, hopefully little James went more diarrhea in the tub today because I have to bring a stool sample, and it's very easy to get it from the tub as opposed to searching around in the litter pan!
Tonight I'll be fighting with him to take his first pill! At least I cut both his and Emma's claws a couple days ago, in anticipation of the little fight! Oh, and I'll get to see how much James weighs now! He's very heavy, but because he's built like a linebacker. He's all muscle! And so beautiful! Emma will be smelling him like crazy when he gets back, I'm sure!