I'm sad
I just called him back but it went to voicemail and I didn't leave a message because my phone lost signal before I could, and I wasn't going to call back again just so I could leave a message. I'll see if he returns my call tonight.
I'm sad. I don't know what happened and why he suddenly became so distant. I miss him not calling me every day. I liked that, and looking forward to talking to him. And I liked when I saw him and the way he'd smile at me and really look in my eyes, and hug me. I am feeling really lonely now.
Also, I drank way too much wine last night. So I slept until almost noon and then went back to sleep at 2:30 and slept until 8. So I missed the entire day, and haven't left my apartment. James and Emma have been the sweetest, and they make me so happy. They slept right next to me on the bed the whole time. They are such blessings. I'm worried now that I won't be able to sleep tonight. Tomorrow I'm not going to work; instead, I'm volunteering at the big golf outing for my volunteer group. I have to meet my ride downtown at 8:30 am!! Holy crap is that early! I have to wear black pants, and I kind of need to iron my pair, but I just have no volition tonight. In the morning I'm going to be at a registration table, so that's fine. And I think in the afternoon I'm going to be sitting somewhere out on the golf course with the girl who I'm getting a ride from. They give us a T-shirt to wear, but I'm rolling up any sleeves when I'm out there - the last thing I need is a farmer's tan for the wedding! I'm not staying for the dinner that is $95, and luckily neither is my ride, so I'm hoping I'll get home by 6:00 tomorrow night. I'd honestly rather be going to work. Oh and I have to pick up my bridesmaid dress from the alteration place tomorrow. Warsteiner had offered to make sure that the top wouldn't fall down for me - he said we could practice all kinds of movements. But I guess that won't be happening anymore.
I feel so, so, so lonely right now.