Evening wrap-up - don't get too excited!
Warsteiner is still at work - yes, it's almost 11:00 pm. Damn! When he called this afternoon he sounded really down, he had just found out that he'd have to be working all weekend. The big changeover that he's so busy with happens on the last weekend of August, so he hopes that after that things will let up for awhile. He said it's been an awful day, and he hopes he and the one other guy there will be able to leave soon. Almost 11 - I'm so tired and going to bed, and he still has to drive half an hour just to get home! That just sucks! He called me at 9, again at 10, and then I just got off the phone with him. He said he'd call me tomorrow and he'll make it up to me when I get back from the wedding. I'm not even remotely upset - I just feel bad for him. And I feel happy that he has called me so many times.
Also, when I told him that Florida Girl is taking care of James and Emmalove for me this weekend, he said "maybe someday I'll get that honor" - I like it!
Tomorrow morning I'll get up extra early and pack, and spend extra time with my babies - I always get so sad when I'm leaving them!!! I love and adore them so much! And I'm meeting with a couple girls from my volunteer group for lunch at The Walnut Room at Marshall Field's (YUMMY in my tummy!!!) to finalize our wine party fundraiser details ([certain date] for all those who may be interested!) and draft out the invitation so we can have some to pass out at our monthly meeting on Monday. And I should also probably get a manicure - I'm not sure when I'd have time to get one once I'm in Indy - and TFSIL wants us all to have french manicures. So I'll try to get that sometime during the afternoon. And I'll see how tan I am in the morning from my Mystic Tan of tonight - I'm almost toying with the idea of running back up here quickly tomorrow and getting another, but I'll see. The mystic does make me dark (way, way darker than my pale-ass skin!) but I think having two in a row would make me almost unrecognizable. I of course want to be a bit tan for the wedding, but it might be too much to get two mystics, just hoping that it doesn't fade too much by Saturday. There must a mystic place in Indianapolis! I could just get one done on Friday night if there's one downtown there! But I'll see how I look tomorrow as well. My plane takes off at 8:30 tomorrow night and it's only a half hour on the L to the airport from downtown, so I really do have some extra time.
I am off to bed, my eyes are SCREAMING for me to let my lids lie closed!!!