Oh I have French Mix on my mind!!!

Speaking of boobs. (And this is one of the things in my earlier post that got deleted!) Last night I responded to one my mom's emails asking for any pictures I took at the wedding, and I told her that I didn't want to see any of the pictures, and I didn't want anyone else to see them either. She wrote back that the reasons I looked so big in my bridesmaid dress were: 1) the top was cut too low; 2) the shiny material accentuated things; and 3) my boobs are too big. She didn't say the fourth reason, which I now add: 4) I just am big. However, back to the boobs. She has a point. For the past few months it's come in my mind a few times that my boobs make me look big. Don't get me wrong, I love them. They're gorgeous. They look fabulous naked and fabulous in many clothes. However, sometimes when I'm walking down the street I'll catch sight of myself in a window, and I'm sometimes just shocked by how far they stick out, and also by how big they make me look. My mom said I'd look much better with a C-cup. I'm thinking she may be right. I sometimes see other girls who aren't really big, but whose big boobs make them appear to be big.
Now, some of the problem could be just me being a little bit overweight. So WHEN (as opposed to if, because it's going to happen) I lose some of it, maybe my boobs will shrink a little as well. But I don't think they'll shrink enough. First I'm going to work to lose this extra weight. But I'm kind of thinking that after that, at some time in the next couple years, I may go down to a C-cup. So they'll still be big and gorgeous and all, but just not so big that they make me look big. 'Nuf said.
The best new show in the world. At least it's new for me - Arrested Development. It's absolutely genius! They're playing reruns now at 11 pm, so tonight is my second time of seeing it. I can't stop laughing right now - the government thought they'd found pictures that were proof of WMDs in Iraq - kids even got a half day of school because of it - but they turned out to be a close-up shot of this guy's balls, and he'd accidentally emailed the picture to someone!! This show is seriously hilarious, constantly hilarious, and also just amazingly good. So well written and so well acted. And just perfect characters. I wish I was watching this with someone else right now instead of laughing by myself!
Okay, update on my babies - they are both in excellent health! James weighs 14.02 pounds and little Emma weighs 10.01 pounds. The doctor did say she'd like to see James lose a half pound to a pound, because last year he was only 12 pounds (they are both 2 years and 4 months old). But other than that they are perfect! Of course, they didn't exactly like going to the vet. I put them both in the bathroom first and then got the carrier out and brought it in the bathroom. My poor little Emma! She saw it and immediately starting crying and hid behind the toilet in a tiny little ball. I pulled her out and first held her in my arms and tried to make her feel better, but she was just crying and shaking. I felt so mean!
Warsteiner left work early (shockingly, but I was impressed), so he picked us up and came to the vet with us and even into the exam room, and then he drove us back and waited downstairs for me for 10 minutes while I brought my babies back up here and gave them love and some food and lots of petting. Then we went to dinner at a wonderful Mexican restaurant and we each had carne asada (sp?), an enchilada, and a Corona. Yu-mmy!!! And then, I got to meet both his friend There's Something About Mary and his new dog, Rudypoo - who he adopted from his sister. After hanging out at There's Something About Mary's for awhile, we left and Rudypoo rode in my lap on the way back until he dropped me off. It was overall a very nice night. Nothing extremely exciting, but fun. Warsteiner was affectionate to me in front of his friend, and he also told Rudypoo that he needs to like me cause I'll be around a lot. Interesting and nice. I was actually jealous because I adore dogs and usually they love me, too, but Rudypoo was just so excited about Warsteiner and wanted to be around him and as close to him as possible. Warsteiner was nice then and sat on the floor by me so Rudypoo would be around me. We'll see how this goes.
And now onto The Fat Project! I had initially planned for yesterday to be my start of being wonderfully good, but I crashed and burned at night. I was actually kind of bad during the day because I hardly ate anything. I had my Caribou latte in the morning, then a handful of pretzels in the afternoon, and then my Mexican dinner with Warsteiner. So far so good. At There's Something About Mary's, I had a glass of wine. Still okay. But then, after Warsteiner dropped me off I went to the store to stock up on cat food and yogurt. But I also got a bottle of wine. And at home, before I knew it, the bottle was gone. And then I really wanted something in my stomach. I had three squares of a pizza left (that I had ordered on Sunday - and that's not a usual thing for me but on Sunday I was sooooo tired from the long weekend that I couldn't bring myself to even go next door to the grocery store, so I just ordered a pizza) so I ate those. So with the calories from a full bottle of wine and 3 squares of pizza, I'm quite certain I was over my desired limit.
Today, however, I have been wonderful - yay me!!! I had my large espresso latte in the morning, and then a yogurt for a late breakfast. And then a yogurt for lunch, along with about 7 Ritz crackers, and then a yogurt and a handful of pretzels before I left work. At our "fold, stamp and label" get-together, I only had water and a few little tostitos, some with some yummy spinach dip. But not very much. Oh - and I had about 6 or 7 Carr's crackers when I got home. But no alcohol. So I've been good! Tomorrow I'll start doing my lists again, so it's easy for me to look back on. Oh - and I WAS going to exercise over lunch today, but with my insane dizziness, I'd have fallen off the treadmill. However, tomorrow I have nothing to do after work, so I'll go right to the gym after work!! The Fat Project is back on course!
Tomorrow morning I'll see if my new Hemingway friend is at Caribou so I can meet him and find out where he's actually from! I'm so tired now. But still so excited about French Mix!! He is just so damn hot!!! And with thoughts of him in my mind, as well as the hot lesbian encounter still in my mind, the first damn thing I did when I got home tonight was to pop some porn in and go to town :) And that's going to be happening a lot until I get to see French Mix again - he and my last encounter with him are just fantasy material! But I want more fodder for my fantasies, so I just have to see him again!!! Hot damn! To beddy-by I now go...