Absolute ridiculousness from TSIL
First, it was news to me that she was mad at me on Sunday! On Sunday, she actually looked at me and spoke to me during the hour that we were at their place. Which is quite different from ALL DAY SATURDAY. And MOST OF THE DAY FRIDAY.
Second, I waited until almost everything was finished with. Granted, I forgot about the bouquet throw and garter toss. However, in my defense, I wasn't going to catch the bouquet anyway, because TSIL specifically positioned herself so one of her friends was going to get it. I also would have tried to hide anyway and not go up there to proclaim myself as one of the single ones, along with all of TSIL's sorority sisters. I do wish I saw my brother take off the garter though and throw it. That would have been fun. But I completely forgot about that, since people were all out dancing well before it.
Third, TSIL specifically told me a very long time ago - like probably right when they got engaged, that after all the big stuff was done I could change and my hair could magically come out of its updo. Okay, I'm not actually sure she said I could change. But why should she care? Did she just want me to be uncomfortable the whole night and not be able to dance cause my boobs would pop out? Or did she want a picture of my boobs popping out? At other weddings I've changed out of the bridesmaid dress after everything - they tend to be not so comfortable, after all, and I did my duty by spending the entire fucking day with her even while she completely ignored me.
And how fucking petty is this? That she's upset about this and enough so that my brother told my mom, and she told him that TSIL had told me a long time ago that I could change and take my hair down. After she told him that, he emailed her the following, which she copied to me: "Oh yeah, [TSIL] said she doesn't remember ever saying or e-mailing anything about the bridesmaids being able to go change into something else after the night started. Plus I told [Caterpillar] she shouldn't change until I double check with [TSIL]. She missed the bouquet and garter toss by changing."
I seriously don't even want to address this, because it's so stupid and petty. WHY SHOULD SHE CARE???? Is this really a matter of such great importance? Her whole stupid wedding went wonderfully and the reception was fun and everyone had fun (although TSIL never even went to my brother's side of the room once to thank anyone for coming - pointed out to me by my mom and noticed by more than one). It's over now. People are starving in the world, people are dying, Bush and Devil Cheney are, as we speak, probably making plans to attack another country, or two, or five. Mothers are worried that they can't afford to buy their kids new clothes. Some people are homeless, some people can't find jobs, some people are so clinically depressed that they can hardly function. And she's upset BECAUSE I TOOK MY FUCKING BRIDESMAID DRESS OFF EARLY???!!! Seriously, this is REALLY pissing me off now, because it's SOOOOOOOOOOO stupid!!! I'm getting more and more angry the more I think about it. I know I'll have to talk to my brother about it eventually, but even that makes me pissed off, cause this should SO NOT BE AN ISSUE!!!!
I'm going to stop venting, because the more I write, the more upset I get at the STUPIDITY OF IT!!!!!