I just lost the post that I had spent the last fucking HOUR writing!!!!
And freezing, which is one of the fucking hundreds of things I just wrote about!!!! It's so fucking freezing in my office, by the end of the day it's 50 fucking degrees in here, and my hands are frozen and have been frozen but I still spent the last hour writing with my frozen digits, and now it's all GONE!!!! I want to scream.
I'm going to relax and write a tiny bit fucking more, because now I can't just walk away knowing that I lost everything! At least I can write a few of the things that I spent THE LAST HOUR writing about. My heart is beating so fast right now. I can't stop saying fucking, because it's the only word I can think of that can in a tiny fucking way express my fucking utter frustration right now!
My topics that I covered before: 1) how fucking cold it is in here and why every fucking building thinks it has to turn the AC up so high that I end up not being able to feel my fingers or move my toes because they're frozen together; 2) how dizzy I am today because of my fucking antidepressant meds such that any time I move my head or even my eyes to look in another direction, my whole head gets a wave of somethingness going through it; 3) how horny I am after reading about the lesbian encounter of New York Moments, as referred by The Single Guy - seriously, this is the hottest thing I've read in a long time. I'm not a lesbian, but if it could be with Ms. New York Moments, I'd like to have one lesbian encounter! I get turned on watching girl on girl action in porn, and now I've read about it! Her encounter is only half written, though - next week she's writing the rest. I'm going to be checking back very often! And tonight I'm going to need some me time with her blog, porn, and the Rabbit. 4) There's a very interesting Hemingway character who hangs out at the Caribou Coffee by my place. He's from (and this is my guess from the little I've heard of his accent) Spain or the south of France. Today he recognized me, as I've gone there for the past three mornings to get their amazing large espresso latte, and he said hello, and then "Ciao" when I left. He's very intriguing. Not sexually, because he's an older man - white hair, white beard - but he really looks kind of like Hemingway! And he's foreign! Tomorrow or next time I see him, I'm going to introduce myself and get to know more about him, and see if my guess of country of origin is correct. 5) my babies and their vet appointment; 6) last night with Warsteiner; 7) The Fat Project and my last two days' food and alcohol consumption, and finally 8) my boobs.
Okay, I feel SLIGHTLY better. At least I know the subjects I've covered so I can go back and fucking, FUCKING cover them again tonight after I get home - oh yes - item 3.5) my "fold, stamp and label" "party" tonight - to get our Wine Party invites ready to go in the mail tomorrow. And I'm not folding because I'm so dizzy that I probably would never match the ends up. And also, my fingers are very shaky, although I'm not sure whether that's from my dizziness thing or from the fucking freezing-ass unbelieveable coldness of this building!
If I hit "publish post" now and something happens to lose my post, this computer screen will be flying through the window 10 seconds later.