Today, Yesterday, and my night with French Mix!!!
I was sooooooo tired when getting home last night after 12:30 a.m. I washed my face, changed, and got right in bed. I set one alarm for 8:30 and the other for 9:30, because The Bold One and I were planning to go walking in the late morning. However, she woke me up by calling at 11:58 a.m. - I was sleepy!! We chatted, and because it was kind of cloudy out and we were both a little tired, decided to go see a movie. We originally planned on the 1:20 time, but when I got there at 1:22 and asked, almost all the tickets were sold so we knew we'd be sitting in the front row with craned necks. So instead, we bought tickets to the 4:15 showing and hung out for a long time, which was really fun!
We first stopped by a little self-dog-washing place so The Bold One could get some dog food. And I loved seeing the adorable dogs being washed by their owners! They were all so cute!!! Then we headed to a big Caribou nearby so I could get coffee, and we hung out there for awhile chatting. She told me the funniest story! A guy friend of hers (who is 49) had gone on a date this past Friday with a woman who 1) had said she was 42 in her online profile and admitted to him when they were out that she was really 53, 2) had refused to let him come out to see her in the suburbs, instead requiring that they meet in the city, 3) was wearing a ring on her left hand ring finger, and she gave some silly explanation about it, 4) is retired, but he was sure she was being supported in some way, 5) told him she had a condom with her, and 6) (this is the kicker), told him the following: that a year ago she was stung by a bee in the chest, and the venom went into her muscle and then got in her blood stream and went to her brain, and somehow did something to her brain so that (here it is) she now has No Gag Reflex. What the hell! This woman is messed up! If she wanted to tell him how great she could blow him, she could have just told him that she had no gag reflex, and didn't need to tell the whole bee sting tale!
Anyway, after more hanging out at another coffee shop for The Bold One (so she could get the drink she liked), we saw The Constant Gardner. It was good. At some points during it I was thinking that I hoped it might end, but by the ending it was powerful. And I almost felt like crying, too, at the things that are, I'm sure, being done to the people of Africa very similar to what this movie portrays. And how most people don't seem to care, or at least it's easy to not think about. There was a scene very near the end when the camera was obviously on a car, and was filming these little, adorable African children running and laughing alongside the car, in a bit of slow motion, and with powerful music in the background. I got teary for a few seconds. Those are real children, and I just wonder what kind of world they will grow up in, and how long they will live, and in what conditions. It's very disturbing.
Oh, at Walgreens before the movie, I saw the Sunday paper and first heard the news that Rehnquist died. Now, I didn't like his views on most issues, I thought he seemed completely egotistical (with his little yellow bands around the arms of his robe) and I also didn't like that he refused to step down. I also knew that he was really sick. But I was still floored by him dying. Someone who we had seen so much. And who has been around for so long. And we saw him alive a month ago. And now he's dead. So I was surprised first because it was just a shock, and second because it was a reminder of the earthly finality of death. Also, I don't like that Bush now gets to put two judges on the Supreme Court. I'm so afraid how this will affect my life and my children's lives for the next 30, 40, 50 years.
I then bought James and Emmalove a ton of cat food and some new little catnip toys as well (which they are still playing with right now)! And now I'm home for the night. I keep having drainage and feel like there's something in my throat, but it's been that way for the past week. Last night, with me coughing, I actually started worrying that maybe I have lung cancer. I don't smoke, but did for a year in my last year of law school. And sometimes people get it who never even smoked. I wish I could get a chest x-ray right now. I need to make a follow-up appointment with my doctor regarding my anti-depressant pills, so maybe I'll bring this all up then. (You all now see that every once in awhile I can get paranoid - and decide that maybe I have cancer of something. It's one of my worst fears, after finding out that someone in my family has cancer, that is).
I'm going to start at 1:00 in the afternoon, since before that was French Mix time!!! :) French Mix dropped me off here, and I came in and felt so bad for leaving my babies all night long by themselves. So I cuddled with them a lot. We laid in bed, all of us, and I pet them and brushed their little cheeks. Then I finally showered and got ready for going to Batavia with Florida and Asparagus (I've decided to shorten their names - easier for me to type!!!) I got a big latte from Caribou right before they picked me up, and then we headed out. We chatted all the way out there, and they are so fun! And we watched it become more country-like as we got further out from Chicago. We were so excited for our "field trip" into the suburbs!!!!
We got to Batavia and parked, and the little downtown area was cute! We walked on a little bridge over the Fox River and looked back at the outdoor part of the restaurant where we'd be eating and see our friend Silly No-Luck-with-Sex Piano Player (SNLSPP) perform, their band is called "The Hacks". We first ate, and then moved closer when the band started playing. They were amazing and fabulous and wonderful!!!! Every one of
After our amazingly fun time out in Batavia, and it really was an absolutely perfect night (except that the poor band members had to deal with an unbelieveable amount of bugs swarming all around them in the bright lights - SNLSPP was so funny swatting them, sometimes even in the middle of songs!! And Florida every once in awhile did a little tickle on Asparagus's arm, so that he would madly rub all over. Florida and I had aching bellies from laughing so hard at that and especially at SNLSPP swatting! But Florida and I did the same thing every once in awhile,too!), Florida, Asparagus and I headed out at 11:30 p.m. We were all pretty beat. It had been the most night! But we were tired! On the way home we listened to all kinds of wonderfully fun music. Asparagus, as well as being a connoisseur (I have to look that stupid word up on every time I use it!) of beer, is also apparently, as I learned, a connoisseur of music. We listened to Drive By Truckers (I love that name, and they had a lot of wonderful and amazing songs!), and of course I now can't remember the other names. Sunbolt - it was something like that - had wonderful folk songs, and I just adore folk music. And the guy from Sunbolt used to be in a duo with the head guy from Wilco, and they had another band that was also sort of a mix of alternative and country, and I liked a couple of those songs. All in all, Asparagus better pick a bunch of these fabulous songs and either make me a CD, or let me borrow some of his CDs so I can put them on my computer!! And I now feel certain that he must have other good music, since I loved the little I heard. So I need to go over to their place sometime and make him just play music and I can write down what I like :) I ADORE good music, of all kinds!!!!
So, the night was just wonderful and perfect in every way. Florida and Asparagus are so fun, the band was amazing, SNLSPP was so funny and as we all discovered, also amazingly talented, and I also got to hear a ton of great music throughout the night!
FRIDAY (Baseball game):
At 5:30 on Friday night, just when I was about to leave the office, Wiggles called and said he'd love to go to the game. So once again, I went with Wiggles. He was again so excited, and again very sweet. And again, I just get

After the game, we all went back out to the parking lot and tailgated for a bit more. The Bold One and her guy left, because he wasn't feeling too well - allergies or something. So after awhile, SouthSide Johnny, a guy named Mike who is a lifelong friend of SouthSide Johnny (SSJ), Wiggles and I left, to hit a pizza place on the north side. SSJ and Mike swore that it had the best thin-crust pizza of almost anywhere in Chicago. The best place had closed a couple years ago. This place was in Logan Square and indeed, the pizza was absolute heaven. It was really, really good. I only like thin crust, and the thinner the crust, the better. The place also hasn't changed its decor since 1957, when it first opened, so it was kind of fun, in a kitschy (kitshy?) kind of way. The four of us hung out there for probably an hour and half and just shot the shit and had fun. I was drinking just water. I had had a few beers during the night, but they were all really spread out, so I wasn't even buzzing. Oh - Wiggles annoyed me yet again because he was just scarfing the pizza. Mike ordered it and ended up paying for it, and Mike, SSJ and I were eating slowly and just talking, while Wiggles was just scarfing and listening a bit, in his very weird way.
SSJ then drove Wiggles and I to near my place, and I left Wiggles by a bus stop. FIRST, though, on the car ride home, I got a call, and from French Mix!!!! I chatted for a minute and he wanted me come meet him, and I said I'd call him in 10 minutes when I got home. He had also texted me just before that: "u ready 4 some rocco?" I wasn't sure yet about whether I wanted to go meet him. I was tired. It was around 2:00 a.m. I fed James and Emma and then called him and got voicemail. He called back a minute later and asked whether I was coming, that he wanted me to, but he wanted to know for sure. So I said yes. I almost couldn't believe I said yes!
The sex part is not here yet. I'll give a warning first so anyone who doesn't want to read it will know to stop!
I quickly fixed up my makeup and put my shoes back on and then ran down and got a cab to North/Milwaukee/Damen. I called him and he directed me to the line outside a bar, which they were at the front of. It was just before 2:30 a.m. I saw him and he was so cute, as ever, just a perfect face!!! He just exudes sex appeal! He introduced me to one of his roommates, Guitar Guy, and we all chatted a bit before we got into the bar. I had worn my sexy heels and was a little taller than French Mix. I wished I had just put on my flip flops like I had wanted to. That was the only thing I didn't like.
We got into the bar and French Mix immediately introduced me to the others he knew in the bar, all United people who he's friends with (he works for United). They were all really nice and friendly. There were a lot of alternative people in the bar. I felt like I definitely stood out a bit. I had on my light blue, long sleeve, slightly low-cut v-neck shirt (I call it my boobalicious shirt, as the shirt just seems to enhance them!), and black pants. When French Mix went to the bathroom, I was talking to Guitar Guy and a guy who Guitar Guy later termed "White Stripes" - due to his hair - called me over and offered to buy me a drink if I'd talk to him and his friend for ten minutes and see that they were cooler than anyone who I could be with. I declined.
Anyway, first I talked to Guitar Guy while French Mix was in the bathroom and then catching up with some people, even though he kept reaching over and grabbing my hand or my ass. Guitar Guy was really nice and we traded embarrassing stories and all that. And then French Mix was calling over individual friends so I could meet them and really talk to them. And first he'd tell me a little bit about them. Also at one point, while I was talking a friend of his, he reached over and did a little clit rubbing through the pants. I got all hot (literally) and for that minute have no idea what the guy said. Just after that, "The Muffin Lady" came in - apparently she's very well known in the area! She goes between five bars and sells muffins - $1 regular muffins, and $7 muffins laced with pot. Very interesting characters, as I said, and I so enjoyed seeing the variety! And everyone was so nice! The Muffin Lady was talking to some of French Mix's friends, and I chatted with her as well for a tiny bit. She's in her probably 50's or low 60's, very thin, short hair, and a little different. One of the girls told me that The Muffin Lady was really sweet and had also had a hard life, she said she'd tell me more when The Muffin Lady left - I loved by the way that this girl just accepted me unconditionally - she had bleached short hair, piercings, glitter all around her eyes, and dressed in black. I might normally be almost intimidated by her and feel that she wouldn't think I was cool enough for her. But she was so friendly and so sweet and cute! I love that she made me feel included. Not that I'm a dork or anything!!!! I talked to everyone there very easily, as always!!! I just loved, though, that she and others made me feel welcome, because I know that's not always the case.
Anyway, soon after that French Mix asked if I wanted to leave. I said yes. He said he was going to walk out and I should follow him a minute later. I like that he doesn't announce to everyone that we're leaving together. I'm sure they all knew - one girl asked, very nicely and interested and friendly, how we met, and we explained how we met through my brother. Anyway, I turned to Guitar Guy and said we were leaving, which he took as all three of us. But that was fine. GG and I walked out and got in a cab with French Mix and headed to their place.
Once there, in the bachelor pad, after we all peed, we played pool for a long time, had a couple beers each, and listened to music from French Mix's iPod. He had quite a few songs/groups that I really, really liked and had never heard of, so I of course got a piece of paper and pen and started taking notes! That way I can download this stuff! I'm always, always on the lookout for good music!!! The pool-playing was fun! We played, I think they called it Cut-throat - we each had 5 balls and tried to get the other person's balls in. I sort of tied with French Mix, even though Guitar Guy helped me cheat a little in the end, just by first, putting the cue ball right behind French Mix's ball so he couldn't hit my ball in, and second, by letting me reshoot my last shot three times - the third time I got both French Mix's last ball and my last ball in at the same time! French Mix shared his pool cue (I'm almost 100% certain that that's the name for the stick, but just in case, now you know what I mean!) with me, and patted my ass a couple times during the handoff. He also definitely enjoyed the cleavage that I couldn't help showing when I was leaning over the table. Oh - one thing, he forgot to get me a beer at the bar when he came back from the bathroom and got himself one. And at his place, he also didn't get me a beer. So I took his. He asked what happened to his beer at some point, and I told him that I appropriated it since he had been a bastard and not gotten me one of my own. He needs to learn a few things!
After we played pool, Guitar Guy got his, what else, guitar out and started playing. And French Mix and I sat on the floor and looked through his iPod and played different things, with French Mix occasionally telling Guitar Guy to "Play This!" Guitar Guy was a trooper and actually did a good job! And inspired me to start practicing again (and I was again inspired by the band last night, and watching the two guitarists!) Soon after that, French Mix asked if I was ready to go to bed and I said yes. He said he was first going to go to the bathroom and then wait for me. So after a bit, I got up and also went to the bathroom. And when I came out, he was coming in from the front door and admitted that he was spitting out his Listerine. He's so cute! He tried telling me that I didn't need any cause his breath was now my breath, but I took the Listerine anyway and did my own thing.
After me leaving to use his Listerine, I came back in to his bedroom and shut the door. He was wearing his same jeans and a wife beater. I straddled him, and leaned down and kissed him. We kissed lightly at first, and then a little harder, and then he grabbed my head and pressed me into him. We kissed while his hands reached for my breasts, and grabbed them and squeezed them, and then pulled my shirt up and over my head and tossed it somewhere. He then pulled me down to him while his hands reached around me to undo my bra. It took him a couple tries. He told me he's not used to girls wearing them. I don't know what that exactly means, or what to make of it.
The way he held and squeezed and pushed together my boobs was so much a turn-on. As well as the bulge in his pants that I was riding. He moved down and unhooked and unzipped my pants, and I lifted up so he could get them off of me. I sat back down, straddling him, feeling him still in his pants. Then he grabbed me under the arms and jerked me in one move so I was sitting on his face. I love that, that power and determination. Talk about aphrodisiacs - the biggest one is just the attitude of the guy!
He licked and sucked for awhile while I held tightly onto the headboard. And I leaned backwards and rubbed him over his jeans. After awhile, I moved down him and helped him pull off his pants. I cannot tell you how perfectly sized he is - well, I obviously will try to tell! To review, he's probably 5'6", or maybe 5'5", and when you look at his hands, he has very sexy veins and coloring, but not long or thick fingers. His fingers are actually really short. I am one who generally suscribes to the idea that you can usually, USUALLY, get a general idea of the size of a guy's unit by looking at his fingers. However, I have been proven DRASTICALLY wrong now twice - first, with the Iranian, and second, with French Mix. French Mix - first, he is long - I think 9 inches is a perfect guess. Second, he is thick, as in my fingers are nowhere near closing when they are around him. Oh, God. His unit is just the perfect possible size in every way. And I get wet and have what can only be described as a five-second hot flash over my body and face whenever I think about that first second that he entered me. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm...It has been in my thoughts many times over the past day a half, and every time I get the mini hot flash.
However, before he entered me, I first blew him while playing with his balls. First the lick up like a lolly-pop, then the up and down with the mouth, with the tongue constantly also exerting pressure, and at the same time, the hand moving up and down in a back-and-forth motion, and the thumb exerting slightly more pressure on the bottom-most (underpart) part of the shaft. And every once in awhile, it helps to spit so there's more lube. What was so hot during this, besides the obvious factor of his enormous unit in my mouth and his groans? The fact that he also sometimes grabbed my hair and pressed my head down more. I so get off on that control! And he could never make me go too deep, just as deep as I was ready to go. I was so turned on. Damn! The only thing: he's so wide that my mouth sometimes gets too tired from being stretched open so far. Then I have do a lick again to rest my mouth! I told him that I wanted him to fuck me, that it's been three weeks since I've had sex. He looked like he was thinking and I told him "Yes, the last time was you." And he said, "I was trying to do some quick math!"
And then, he pulled me up, and put on the condom, and I moved up him and he put his dick in place, and he entered me, and it was so perfect. The feeling, the feelings. Fuck, so perfect. So hot. I rode him for awhile. He'd reach for my head now and then and bring me down for a kiss. I usually lean forward, so I can use my arms for

After awhile, I told him to "fuck me from behind." He flipped me over and entered me, again and again. He pushed my head down and I lifted my ass up, and he stood then with his knees all the way bent so he could fuck me hard. To review again, because it's so hot: because he's so long, he was ramming against my cervix in this position, and I was then falling towards the bed. So he was on his feet, squatting on top of me, fucking me, and then, so hot, he pushed my head down into the pillow for a minute. It felt so good, and so hot - I love it fast and hard!
Then, he flipped me over and got on top of me. I spread my legs wide and up. He fucked me so hard. Oh My God, it was just perfect. I can't stop thinking about it, reliving it! We kissed, we looked in each other's eyes, he held onto my breasts and squeezed while he fucked me. After that, we again switched and I rode him, and he alternately spanked me, squeezed my breasts, squeezed my breasts close together so he could suck on both nipples together, sucked on the nipples separately, and helped me ride him by fucking upward especially hard while moving me up and down! He told me "You have the most perfect body." He seriously has the perfect sized unit. It's so long - long enough that it can hurt a little, but can reach everywhere. And wide enough so as to fill me and stretch me, but not too huge that I dry out.
After a long time with me fucking him on top - and I have to say that I haven't done much of this so I am welcoming the experience! I was shifting my hips as I moved up and down, and experimenting with slight changes to that. I told him that I haven't done the "me on top" very much, so to guide me and tell me whatever I can do to make it better. As his head was up and his eyes closed, he said "nothing, seriously, don't stop anything that you're doing". I'll still investigate. I want to feel confident that I have the best movement possible while on top!
After a long while, when my legs and arms were too tired, I flipped on my back and told him to fuck me. He gladly complied. I swear, every single time that he comes out of me, and then goes back in, is just a reminder of what heaven feels like!
WARNING: If you don't want to hear about ANAL sex, skip the next four paragraphs.
The last and only other time we were together, after my brother's wedding, we also had anal sex. But I was really out of it. And I didn't recount too many details afterward on this blog. But for two days after that, whenever I had to take a poopoo (I hope by calling it that, that it doesn't sound so icky!) it would hurt like absolute hell and bleed as well. And I know that it was only the entrance part that ripped and was bleeding, and it's what hurt the worst.
So, when I was on my back, he pushed my legs far over, and did a complete Rocco, with the licking of the ass, the fingering of the ass (he had done that plenty before this, and I loved it every time he did it!) and then the dropping of his spit onto my ass while he pushed inside me. It hurt like hell at first. I told him to stop and let me relax. And I told him to finger me to help me relax. It worked very well, but then when he pulled back, he came all the way out. And it always hurt when he first went in. So we went through that a few times, with him always coming out.
Eventually, I told him to just kiss me while I relaxed my body. He pushed himself all the way in when he felt me relax. It felt really good! With him all the way inside me! I asked him how it felt and he said "so tight!" It felt wondeful to me as long as he didn't move at all. When he started to move, it started hurting more, towards the opening. I made him stop and let me relax again. I've discovered that the muscle tension is key to the pain vs. satisfaction for girls. It would hurt so bad when he'd first push into my ass. And I realized that my entire body, as well as my entire ass, was so tensed up. When I let myself all go and consciously didn't let myself clench any muscles, suddenly it was feeling almost good to have his enormous unit inside my ass. However, for any guys out there who are taking notes: originally I relaxed my own body, but what worked MUCH BETTER was when he started fingering me. Suddenly I didn't know whether his unit was in my pussy or my ass, I just knew that I was feeling really good things! To conclude, the fingering of the pussy is a very good distractor!!! Having a dick in your ass (or finger) and I finger in your pussy (or dick) just feels unbelieveable, it makes me wild!
To continue with the story: And then he moved all the way inside my ass again. And it felt so good! We continued with this a few times - with me telling him to stop until I relax, him then pushing all the way inside me, me telling him to stay there and not move as it felt so good, and then him moving eventually and it hurting so that I pushed my legs down to keep his motion to a very minimum. Then eventually I told him that my ass had had all it could take that night. And I said it was a good start, but that he wasn't the one who had to deal with shitting afterward (I told him that after the last time I was shitting blood for two days). So I said he had to be patient and that was all there was to it. That whatever felt good to me, he could do. And whatever felt bad, he couldn't do. Period. (By the way, I waited for about 36 hours to go poo, and it wasn't bad at all! It hardly even hurt, and it bled a little, but then again I bleed sometimes anyway.)
Now back to the hotest sex in the world story. I got back on top of him and rode him, with him grabbing my boobs, and as I told him to, grabbing my nipples hard and squeezing. And then I moved down and started blowing him. He moved to open his drawer (the drawer that everyone has that is messy and has all kinds of random things). He pulled out some sort of liquid. He didn't know what it was.
It smelled like blackberries or raspberries or something like that. He put it all over his cock. At first I leaned down and took him in my mouth, but after two seconds I was done with that! The taste was kind of burning! (It was warming liquid). He asked me to jerk him off like I had before. The lotion made it very slippery, so my motion was so easy. But I felt lost not being able to use my mouth and tongue.
After me jerking him off for awhile, he put some of the lotion stuff on his hands and put it between my breasts and also again all over his cock. I moved on top of him, squeezed my breasts together and at the same time pushed his cock between my breasts, and gave it some pressure. A little while later he suddenly flipped me on my back and poured more of the heating lotion (I know now it's heating, I didn't before before!) all over the inside of my boobs, and rubbed it on his unit. I pushed my boobs together. By the way, I have the most amazing breasts! :) After the wedding I was feeling bad about them, but not anymore! They are big. They are gorgeous naked. And gorgeous clothed. They move every which way. Yet they are so perky and fun and a dream!
Back to my story! French Mix at first was fucking my boobs from above, then we switched and he was below. And then a little later, he told me to jerk him off the way I had earlier. That went on for a little while, I loved seeing him so close to coming! And then, just before he came, he took over the jerking off and told me to suck his balls, which I gladly did. He liked when I'd completely suck one into my mouth and keep it there! And then the other!
Review - most amazing sex in the world!!! Most amazing unit in the world!!! The sex lasted, at the very least, an hour an a half. More like two hours. From behind his drawn shades, I saw that it had gotten light outside by the time we actually went to sleep. I know it was after 6:00 a.m., and probably later, because it was completely light outside.
An interesting factoid, that I will reiterate when doing my analysis of him - after he came, onto his stomach, he had me give him the towel hanging on the closet and he covered himself up and said he's shy. I guess he didn't want me seeing his unit in it's not in its hard state? I went to the bathroom, using a robe he gave him since he does have two housemates, and washed my boobs of the warming lotion, and rinsed my mouth out, and peed. When I came back, he was laying diagonally in bed and wearing an old pair of jeans. I made a comment about me being naked and him wearing jeans and he said something that I can't remember. I can understand though. When I'm at my place after sex, I often put on yoga pants and one of my camisoles. At least the camisole :) I will get into his shyness in my next post! But I thought it was kind of cute, and also completely unnecessary, as I think he's hot beyond belief!!!!! And the most amazing fuck ever!!!!
And he snores! He was sleeping sideways, but I took up my own room. And he snored his ass off. When I would put my hand and/or arm over him, he'd always put his own hand up to partially hold my hand or put his hand over mine and hold my thumb. I liked that!! He told me in the morning, or to be more accurate, when we woke up at 11:30 a.m., that he doesn't usually snore, only when he's been drinking.
After waking up, I asked him all kinds of questions - about his family, his siblings (he has an older brother and sister), where he grew up (outside of Fort Wayne, IN, where his parents still live), what his heritage is (French and German, and he knows the actual area that they came from!). Then he got a phone call. He answered it because it was his boss. I could hear her talking the whole time, so he hardly had to fill me in afterward.
He works for United, as I've said before, and five months ago he was promoted to his current position - in charge of the cleaning of planes and the inspection of planes for bombs etc., for east of the Mississippi River. So he travels a lot, to other airports, to meet with the crew who does the cleaning and inspecting. He said he doesn't like so much traveling, which I think is a good thing.
Anyway, his boss told him that United is flying victims of Hurricane Katrina out of New Orleans and to first Austin and then whereever else they are taken. Which is good. But United wants someone there to oversee the cleaning etc. of the planes. So sometime this weekend he's going to have to fly somewhere. After that phone call, and while we were cuddling, he got hard again and I blew him, and then he got a condom and I rode him. My pussy was a little swollen from all the fucking earlier, so he felt especially large and wonderful inside me!!! I wish he were here right now! I want more sex with him!!!
He got another call from his boss while we were being active. He didn't answer it. Afterward, he listened to the message and said he might have to go to Austin that same day. He had hoped that he wouldn't have to go anywhere until Monday. He packed his suitcase so he'd be ready and said he'd drive me home. I told him I was going to ask him to, and he said I didn't need to even ask. So we got dressed, and walked out the back door to the garage. And when he opened the back door for me and I went to step out, I didn't see the step and tripped quite badly! I'm so elegant!!! He has a Jeep Wrangler!!!! I had a Wrangler from my senior year in high school and all through college. They're so fun!!!! He had the top and doors off, and I felt just so ALIVE in it, with the wind in my hair! I also just love stick shifts, they're so much more fun to drive. We chatted a lot in the car, but I'll talk about that in my next post.
Okay, I'm going to wait to get into his personality and astrological sign. After this I'm going to do a whole post analyzing French Mix. And I find it terribly telling that he is a Gemini. So will my aunt - she's the first person I know who takes these things seriously, and rightly so. And she has had a lasting effect on me as well, from our discussions about this kind of stuff. I've been kind of fascinated ever since talking to her about it a few years ago, and more recently.