I had the most fun night last night! I met Florida Girl at her office and got to see her new office digs, and then we took the L to her home and talked and petted the two kitty babies while we waited for Mr. Asparagus to get

home from golfing. After Florida Girl determined that he wasn't too stinky, we walked to the most wonderful little neighborhood pub. I can't remember the name of it even though I've been told five times now. It was on a quiet little street, and had a small, quaint and so cute little outdoor area. We sat in a little corner outside under a beautiful tree. It was just perfect! The place has an amazing selection of beer and wonderful food, too. Florida Girl sipped on red wine, and I ordered the same beers as Mr. Asparagus, since he is an expert in beer and a true beer connoisseur. At the left is the first beer we ordered, and we all had many laughs throughout the night regarding the
name! Although we're not sure exactly how he got the nickname "Dick" from his real name - Nathaniel Bentley.
I love hanging out with the two of them. We always have such fun!

During dinner, we shared some hilarious and very embarrassing stories regarding poo, shit, or whatever you want to call it. I'd never told my most embarrassing story before, but I shared with them! I will not be sharing it on here! Mr. Asparagus's poo story had me crying though, I was laughing so hard!! And every time I think of it now I can't stop smiling, just picturing it!!! We also talked again about one of Mr. Asparagus's best friends in the world. They both think the two of us would be perfect for each other. Only problem, he's currently living for a year in Armenia. And before that he was living in various European countries. However, he's maybe coming back to the States soon! I tried, by the way, to get the two of them to want to go visit this guy in Armenia so I could tag along. I'd love to see Armenia!!! But it was a no go. They couldn't be convinced, not in the slightest. Anyway, this guy should come back! And come to Chicago!! And I could start wearing really tall heels at all times, since he's 6'8"!
It looks absolutely gorgeous outside! I did not go on my walk this morning. I slept instead. Tonight is Violet and Uganda's barbeque!! Eventually I'll have to get off my ass to go get stuff for the appetizer I'm going to make. I'm just going with my normal and favorite, baked brie, even though it's not exactly barbeque food. But it's sooooooooooo good! However, first I'm going to lay here on the couch for awhile longer and start reading the 6th Harry Potter that I borrowed from Florida Girl!! And then eventually get in the shower and do all that stuff.
Oh, and Warsteiner called last night and we had a good talk. He's coming with me to the White Sox game next Friday, and also wants to see me early next week. So that's nice!