so horny!!

This is the latest thing that makes my heart start beating quickly - the leather cuff watches. Oh My Gosh are they sexy! I'm going to say it once more - Oh My Fucking Gosh are they sexy!!!!
These are, by the way, French Mix's hands. Sexy hands, sexy dark skin, sexy way he's holding his hands, and fucking hot sexy leather cuff watch!!! Mmmmmmmmmmm!!!!! It turns me on every time I look at it. Which is often.
I just have to say one more time before I end this, all men should get one of these watches!!! And French Mix's hands here turn me on unbelieveably. Look at that one popped up vein that you can see - I love seeing those, they're so masculine. A guy with sexy hands is sexy all around! Well, unless he's really nasty, of course :)
I'm supposed to be reading something big that we have up today at 2:00 and I'm trying, but I can't stop going back and looking at this picture, and then my mind turns to all other kinds of thoughts instead of the matter up at 2:00!