The differences between lack of pants experiences. As well as Deutsch class, job, and my own 100 list
"Do you have an opening for a bikini wax?"
"Regular or brazilian?"
"Do you want the back done?"
"No, that's okay." "Back" being the butt. It doesn't hurt much at all. But I'm not hairy and my waxes are for me anyway, as opposed to for a guy. And I don't see my own butt crack. I just like being clean and pretty in front and below.
"Can you come at 6?"
"Yeah, but do you have anything later?"
"No, that's the latest one today."
"Okay, I'll be there."
To be there, I had to take a cab, so spent $11 instead of the $1.75 that the bus would have cost. But it was worth it - I've been planning to get it for a week now cause I was overdue - and now I feel all clean and pretty again!! Right now, it's of course puffy and red, but still clean and pretty, and will just get perfect as the short-term swelling goes down!
My waxer - well, this is only the second time I've been to her, but since the salon is a quarter block from me, and she's also very good, taking the time to really shape and also tweeze the stuff she missed, she is now officially My Waxer - is a very nice Polish woman. She's in her mid to upper thirties but could pass almost for my age. She's tan and very thin, and blond. I'm sure she lightens her hair and I'm also sure she tans. But she looks very good, and is so nice and really takes her time. And has a cool accent! I don't think guys can ever understand, and instead they just get turned on, how weird but at the same time how fine and normal it feels, to be lying on a table, naked from the waist down, with first one knee, and then the other knee, out. And a woman waxing almost everywhere and even pulling your lips apart. It's so odd how normal it feels! And how we'll have such normal conversations while she's doing it. Sometimes I think how they (the female waxers) have seen way more naked vaginas than even gynocologists. I will feel slightly, and I mean very slightly, self-conscious. But other than that I'm just talking and knowing when it will slightly hurt so I can brace myself.
Compare this with a visit to the gynocologist, where she has to tell me to relax my legs, and that it will feel uncomfortable for only second. No small talk about boyfriends and family and fun there! Now, the doctor goes inside, while the waxist stays outside. But the waxist causes way more pain, even though it's not that bad. Anyway, I'm just thinking about how differently I feel in each circumstance. The doctor's checkup lasts about 4 minutes. In with the speculum, do the swab, out with the speculum. In with the finger or two while she feels your insides (that's actually the worst - the pressing all over). In comparison, the waxist lasts about 10-15 minutes. She chats while she rips hair out of your skin. She moves your legs around to be able to get to the whole area. But she talks to you and relaxes you. And the waxists have no formal training in this, they just like to talk and are normal people. Also, in my new wax place, the room is really relaxed with velvets and mirrors. It just makes me think that if doctors warmed up their offices a little, and talked to us like real people, it wouldn't feel like such a big deal then, either. Not that it's a big deal, the pap, but still, you know what I'm getting at.
Anyway, I don't know why I got so into that. I guess I just felt like expounding.
My Grandpa called tonight and I didn't answer. He didn't leave a message. He also called on Saturday night, and again I didn't answer and again he didn't leave a message. I'm just not ready to talk to him. And I'll keep dodging his calls until I am ready to deal with him and what he'll say.
Speaking of dodging - while I was reading Harry Potter I'd every once in awhile consciously think about some of the British words and/or phrases that I just love, such as: dodgy, wicked, brilliant, preggers (okay, now I'm moving more into Bridget Jones' Diary mode). And now I can't think of any more. But I just love some of those British terms, that are so British.
I am also into various German things. I started learning German at the Goethe Institute in Chicago in April, through June. Then we had summer break. Classes start up again the second or third week of September. I need to decide whether I'll take A1.2 or A1.3. My class last semester was a joint A1.1 and 1.2. But I missed the last about 6 classes, so I'm behind. So I can either get out all my books and pay for a couple of private lessons and go into 1.3, or go back to 1.2. I'm torn. I of course love learning languages, although I wish they were easier for me, and I want to learn as quickly as possible. And while I'm learning, I have such a desire to know more and to learn quicker. But at the same time, I know that I need to really learn the stuff, and not speed through the basics. My plan (that I just this second decided upon!): tomorrow I'll pull out my German books. I'll work on all the vocabulary that I didn't get to. And the next night I'll work on it again, and also start reviewing all my notes. So I can remember all that I've forgotten in the past two months. And see how comfortable I feel. I'm having dinner, if you can call it that, at the Wiener Circle tomorrow night with The German. I won't be able to practice much with him tomorrow, but hopefully just a little so that I'll be inspired and remember how much I love learning German/Deutsch! And my mom will eventually need to go to Deutschland to fully research our geneology, and she's paying for me to learn, first so I have something to do, and second so I can go with her and translate at least to people. And in Germany, I've only been to Munich so far, yet so much want to see more of Germany. So that settles it. Tomorrow I will get the books back out and start going through them. Ich moechte Deutsch lernen!
This past paragraph, by the way, reminds me of how I will soon SO expound upon my seven weeks abroad during the summer of 1999. During those seven weeks, I learned so much, and saw so much, and everything that I saw and everyone who I met and talked to affected me so much and really affected my whole life and my current view of the world. It was a turning point in my life, for sure. And so, so, so amazing!!!!!!!
I haven't had a quote of the day in awhile. So...
Quote of the Day (okay, I can't decide, so there are two of them)
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says, I'll try again tomorrow. - Mary Anne Radmacher
We may run, walk, stumble, drive, or fly, but let us never lose sight of the reason for the journey, or miss the chance to see a rainbow on the way. - Gloria Gaither (I may have already done this one, but it's good!)
I love good quotes! I love how they make me think and remind me of what is important.
Job update. I had resigned myself to not getting the job that I so want. It's been three weeks tomorrow from my second interview, so I was so sure that someone had gotten the call and been offered the job. My hope was at about 5%. It has risen to about 15% now, because I heard from Tivo today that in the weekly meeting last week, they were told that someone would be hired soon, like in a week or so. So, maybe someone hasn't yet gotten the call. I still don't have any confidence anymore, but at least I know a little now, like that maybe there is still a little bit of hope. I really don't think I'll get it anymore. I'm thinking I was only offered a second interview out of courtesy - because I had my connections. But I don't expect to get the job. However, and I yell at myself in my mind every time - whenever I have a voicemail, I always think thay maybe, just maybe, it will be a message from the person who will be offering me the job. I think it will be good for me when it's all over, so I'll just know whether it's me or not. I can either be on cloud nine or cry and then get over it. And eventually figure out what I can do and would like to do.
On a completely different subject, I want to make up my own list of the 100 things I want to do, like Firecracker did and Violet did on 3.14.2005 (I don't know how to link to her exact list). For years I've at various times made short lists, and had other lists in my brain. But I want to make a whole list of 100 things - and with some being big travel goals (seriously, the whole 100 could be travel goals for me) and accomplishment goals, and others being smaller and more easily accomplishable things. Stay tuned. I'm going to start working on it tonight!