An article everyone should read, communication with my Grandpa, et al
Anyway, that's that, and now I'll get off the soapbox. I switched my comments over to haloscan the other day, so that from now I'll be able to delete any spam comments. I like the new service! However, and I didn't even think about this before it happened, I lost all the old comments! I was so sad! They were a part of this blog, and it felt like I lost a few posts or something similar! The good thing, though, is that I switched the comments now instead of a year from now!
I went to work at lunchtime today, because I just couldn't wake up this morning. I was in a complete daze. Here was my hard half day: I first ate lunch and checked my email, then made a call for The Meat, then sat in The Meat's office for an hour and a half and shot the shit, talking about travel in California, Wyoming and Montana, among other places, then I called Florida Girl and chatted for a bit, and then I read the article I just talked about while instant messaging with The German. And then I went home. Hard day!!! I need a new job so I can make more money, but damn, this job is so good while it lasts!
I'm watching Moulin Rouge right now as I write. I LOVE this movie, love it, love it, love it!!! And I adore Ewan McGregor and have ever since seeing Trainspotting. "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and to love in

Update on my grandpa. He tried calling me a couple other times and both times I again didn't answer and he didn't leave messages. Yesterday he emailed me:
"Dear [Caterpillar], I love my granddaughter and want her to have a good life--to discover God's plan for her life and enjoy fulfillment. Incidentally, I want to emphasize that a bad marriage would be far worse than a possible drinking problem. I do want to congratulate you in being one of the best in the [job I want] interviews. Use your momentum and cast your net! Love, Grandpa" (I'm wondering if his reference to a bad marriage is my brother, since we don't like TSIL very much? Or if it's just in general that he's talking about.)
I responded: " Hi Grandpa,
I admit I've been screening your calls after I got your email last weekend. I feel like I have to be ready for what you're going to say. And I might still screen calls now, too, I admit. I guess I should call you so I'm in a place and mood when I can talk.
I appreciate your support, in the way that it sounds like support. And I do need it. In many, many ways. I do always listen to you. I don't always want to, but I can't help it. And it's always been that way ever since your first letter came to me way back when!
So, I have heard you but I don't think I want to hear you expound upon things yet by phone. I may screen your calls until I'm ready or until, well, I'm not sure, but maybe when I hear something more positive and loving and not about how I'm so terrible and unattractive etc. Those are things that, yes, stick with me and get your message across well and forever, but at the same time I don't want to then talk to you about it.
I love you,
So, that's that, for now. He knows I heard him, he gave me a little extra support. I still don't want to talk to him yet. But I'm glad that I've emailed him now.
Last night I had plans to go out with Warsteiner, but I knew, I just knew, that he'd have to cancel. As this weekend is the big change-over with the company (to a new computer-type system or something like that) so I knew he'd be extremely bogged down at work. He called at 6:30 last night, so at least I wasn't waiting around. (I wouldn't have really been, but it was still nice of him.) He'd stayed until 11:00 on Tuesday, didn't know when he'd leave last night, and I'm sure that tonight through Sunday, he'll be almost living there. Maybe I'll see him again after that!
And as to French Mix, I texted him last night to see if he'd like to get a drink tonight, but he's in Baltimore all week for work and is going to Michigan this weekend. So I'll also see if I ever get to see him!
This weekend sometime I'm going to get together with one of my best friends from law school! Near the end of law school a certain thing happened and we lost touch after that, until I saw her again at Tivo's wedding in November 2003, and then at J-Wu's wedding in May 2004. And each time, it was so, so, so good to see her, and I had so much fun just talking to her. She called on Tuesday because she'd just started a new job and asked me to help her with checking on something. Oh my gosh it was so good to talk to her! So we're going to get together this weekend, and I can't wait!!!
And also this weekend, Violet and Uganda are having a barbeque! I'm going to make an appetizer to bring, but I'm not sure what yet. And I want to surprise her, so I wouldn't say what I'm bringing even if I knew right now! I'm so excited for that, too!!!
Okay, I have nothing else, at least not until tomorrow!