My sweet Grandpa, and happiness!!!!
"I am sorry. Please forgive me for my lack of sensitivity. I love you [Caterpillar] and do want everything to be the best for you.
Love, Grandpa"
He sounds sad!!! Now I'm all filled with love for him and don't want him to be sad!!! I'll call him either today or tomorrow so that he won't be worried that he really hurt and upset me. I mean, he did a little, but I don't want him to now feel bad for a long time. I know how that feels, feeling so so so bad for hurting someone. You feel dirty for a long time and have a cloud hanging over your head. So I don't want him feeling that way any longer. I'll call him today, from work. After our lunch speaker.
On a completely, 180 degree different note, I have this excitement in me today! I have no idea why, but I'm just happy and so excited, and keep having to do my silly tensing of all my muscles-excitement-type-move. Sometimes with the little squeal accompanying it. I think I'm insane! But I'm excited for the weekend, and I'm excited for the Sox game next week Friday, and I'm excited for Violet's barbeque tomorrow night, and I'm excited cause I got to see Florida Girl today, and I'm excited cause French Mix sent me a little text message last night, and I'm excited cause I have nothing to do at work today so I can call some people and write some emails and type this(!), and I'm excited cause I just emailed Warsteiner and apologized as I just realized that I forgot his birthday last Friday, and I'm excited cause I got some new blush and eyeshadow yesterday that I'm wearing today, and I'm excited that I'm wearing my tight little brown shirt today and it looks good, even though I have to really suck in when I'm sitting down, and let's see, what else? I'm excited cause tomorrow morning I'm going to go for my favorite eight mile walk along the lakeshore. And one of my wonderful friends from college just had a baby this morning - Alexander Michael. And I'm going to call MWFB after lunch. Oh, so many things! I'm just happy today!
I have to run and get lunch before our little speaker gets here!