Legal porn, sleep, bbq, and more sleep
Yesterday I slept until 2:30 - yes, I can sleep very well. It's an acquired skill, I'm thinking, but I've gotten really good at it. And then I started reading the 6th Harry Potter book - and read until 2 a.m. and until page 450. So I have only 200 pages left! Which I will hopefully finish tonight! It's so good, I don't want to put it down!
And on Saturday, Violet and Uganda's barbeque was a resounding success! Such a perfect number of people and good mix of people, and two dogs as well! Everyone had a wonderful time! And good food as well! And I got to be the photographer!!! I love when someone asks me to take pictures, because then I have a perfect excuse for snapping away at everyone! I posted the pictures online this afternoon for everyone to see. Two of the bbq-goers, a boyfriend and girlfriend, had traveled through Europe (separately) and the guy had lived in Germany for a year during college. So I talked to them for a really long time and we re-lived our wonderful European vacations, and they spoke a little German to me which made me realize how much I've forgotten over the past couple months, and how nervous I am about speaking any of it as well.
At the bbq, one of the guys brought the game of Cornhole - I had to google that since at the bbq I referred to it as 'the beanbag game'. The game just sounds sexual, as you hear such things as "let's play two on two," "try to get it in the hole", and "don't hit my bags"! I had fun with those little sayings! So anyway, the night was fun! And I was so exhausted by 11:30. It was very unlike me. No wonder I slept until 2-effing-30 on Sunday and wasted the whole day!
Okay, I have nothing else, it's been a boring yesterday and today. Maybe later I'll post some of my instant message convo with The German.