Meeting Hemingway
One factoid I forgot to mention yesterday re: Harry Potter - we have the same birthday!! Yes, July 31st! Maybe I have special powers in me, too :) Some guys in college did refer to me as The Sorceress!
Today, I met Hemingway. I left my place a little after 10:30 this morning. Yes, I know, I am extremely bad. I keep resetting my alarm clock until I just in my sleep turn it off altogether, and then, as today, I woke up at 8:55. So, I walked into Caribou and I could see that he was sitting there, but I walked right up to the counter. However, he called me over and invited me to sit. He told me his name and I told him mine, and I asked where he was from: "Spain, the south of Spain, Andalucia." I told him I had guessed Spain from the little I had heard of his accent!! Well, I told him I guessed Spain or the south of France. I don't think he took the French thing as a compliment, but oh well. I personally LOVE France!
He actually owns a restaurant that I've been to, called, appropriately, Andalucia Tapas Bar. They just closed the old location a week ago and in a few months are opening up near me, and in a much larger space. As I mentioned, I had been to his restaurant before, it must have been about 6 or 7 months ago and with The Serbian (another match guy, from Serbia, as the name indicates). I remember very briefly meeting him and I think his wife, because The Serbian went there often enough that he chatted with them now and then. I can't remember exactly if the woman was Hemingway's wife, but I can't think who else she would be.
Anyway, Hemingway said, "Tell me about you." I said, "I'm always late for work." And he laughed, he definitely liked that. He came here to the States about 10 years ago, lives on my favorite little street right by my apartment, runs the restaurant, and also is apparently an actor on some TeleMundo show. I'm going to google him. He knows at least some of seven languages - Spanish (obviously), English (obviously), Portugese, Italian, French, Arabic and Hebrew. Damn! I so wish that people in the US emphasized language more! I'm so jealous when I meet Europeans who can speak all these languages!
Hemingway bought me my large latte, and gave me his card, on which he wrote his cell phone number. He said he'd love to take me to dinner sometime, and told me to call him this weekend or next week. He asked me what my favorite food was and I said that when I go out, I'd first chose French (he didn't look enthused with that) and second Spanish tapas, which is completely true.
He also looked at my boobs a couple times. Granted, I am wearing a very boobalicious shirt today, so they quite stand out. Now, here's the thing. I always get myself in these situations cause I'm just nice. And I want to learn more about everything Europe.
When I was in France, I was nice to everyone I met on the street so I could practice my French and learn about the culture. And as a result, I had two stalkers, quite literally, in the two weeks that I was there. Not that this guy is going to be a stalker, but he seems to be obviously attracted to me and interested in me in a completely different way than I'm interested in him. He's old, for gosh sake! He has white-gray hair and a beard, hence me calling him Hemingway. And as far as I know, he might be married! I'm not going to be becoming his mistress, but I'm not bold enough to put that out on the table as some people would. Maybe I'll make myself bold when I next talk to him, and tell him that me going to dinner with him in no way means anything other than us talking. Or something like that. I get very unbold in these situations, because first, I don't want to offend, and second, I want to talk to him more so I can learn about Spain! But I don't want him getting the wrong idea and getting offended if he tries to kiss me and I push him away. I guess Warsteiner isn't the only one without balls :)
But he's also interesting to me, since he's from Spain and he runs a restaurant and he sits in a coffee shop and he's supposedly an actor on TeleMundo. And he had a bunch of books in his bag, some in English, some in Spanish. And I'm flattered as well! So I'm going to call him, because if I don't, I'll just run into him again anyway, and I also won't be able to go to Caribou anymore. And I want to learn about Spain, because of all the European countries, I know the least about the cultures of Spain and Portugal. Spain is actually kind of an enigma to me.
Okay, I googled him, and I found lots of stuff on his restaurant and on him being the chef and learning his recipes from his mom and using lots of things from the Andalucia region. And nothing about a co-owner/wife. Nothing about Telemundo either. Oh well, it will be fun I guess, I can make him tell me everything about Spain and the culture and what-not! I won't call him though until maybe Monday. And I'll get myself in a bold mood! Because even if he doesn't have a wife, he could probably be my grandpa!