My new plan!!!

Hmmm, okay there's my little meditation on the beauty of nature!
Here is now a fun little part of my instant messaging with The German today:
...The German: I'm becoming a collector [of porn, which is so true] and the world will flock to me for access to my library
Caterpillar: haha!
Caterpillar: you'll have all things Rocco
The German: That and more
Caterpillar: well, you are my supplier certainly!
The German: Indeed. You should get your silly computer fixed because I have many more CDs
The German: But I'm also going to get started with copying the VHS tapes and then pass them on to you.
Caterpillar: that's always good. My computer is working well for the moment, and has been for the past week! Maybe I'll put in the German porn tonight!
The German: Oh, ok. Very good. Tell me how it works. I have at least 50 CDs for you
Caterpillar: Mmmmmm!
The German: Learn some German dirty talk. Nasty = Verdorben
Caterpillar: I like it! Verdorben!
Caterpillar: I'm writing it down now
The German: your teacher will be impressed
The German: verdorbene Hure - nasty whore
The German: [big smile]
Caterpillar: I like that, too!! I want to be called that during verdorben sex!
The German: Haha! Tell the [bosses]
Caterpillar: no no no!
The German: OK, on your birthday, or when we make the babies if I'm hired as a donor
Caterpillar: okay!!!
The German: [silly face]
The German: If you like it you'll conceive easier
The German: we'll discuss this later, silly tigress
The German: [kissy face]
The German: [kissy face]
The End. Hmmm, he seems to have it in his mind about helping me get pregnant. When he says things like that it makes me feel close to him. And that he might be starting to like the idea of giving me children therefore having his own children in the world therefore being a normal person might not be so bad and therefore maybe he'd like being married and being a dad! Do ya see how my twisted logic gets started!!! That was all just a joke, at least the last two parts of the last sentence. I just have to remember that in the last IM conversation, he said he'd gladly help by being a donor, but not "help raise the brats" because he "will be far away" - his plan is to buy a sailboat eventually and just sail around by himself. Must remember all that!!!!
I got Mystic Tanned tonight! At least while it's still summer, I feel so much better being a little tan!! I meant to fully clean my place tonight. To do the massive piles of laundry that are threatening to collapse at any moment and trap me in my bedroom. To vaccuum up the enormous amount of baby kitten hair that's settled into every spare space in my apartment and that floats around whenever I sit down or move. I did manage to clean my kitchen and, so hard, put all the dishes in the dishwasher. Yay me! The rest I'll do tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow, first thing after work! And once my place is clean, I can then call the maintenance guy to replace the couple light bulbs that are out - including the one over my dining room table.
The last time I mentioned going back on Match, I was pissy and pms-y. However, I'm considering it again now. Because, even though I like Warsteiner, I just don't think he's The One. Which means that I don't have any possible prospect for being The One. Hmmm. I think I will! I'll want to rewrite the profile and change some of the pictures from when I was last on a long time ago, but I think I'll go start working on it right now!! I'm also thinking about going to either a single's margarita speed dating event or a single's bartending lesson. Certain people will know how I heard about them. I'm not sure which one would be better/and/or more fun. Anyway, with Match, before it was such work. But I've decided that for now I won't sit around and spend hours looking at all the various guys. I'll just see who emails me, check them out, and if I'm interested, then I'll email them. I'm not going to make a huge deal out of it. But who knows, maybe I will meet some cool people, and maybe I'll meet someone who I'll love. I guess we'll see!!!