I'm a Fisherwoman!!! (As long as someone throws them all back in!)

We fished for probably close to two hours. He actually handed me the rod all the time, so that I fished much more than him. He wanted me to experience it. I got pretty good at casting out, if I don't say so myself :) I was able to consistently get pretty far out. And The Meat said that my technique was improving

Now for the update on the porn script! We have a couple wonderfully cheesy and suggestive names so far: Richard "Dick" Gazinja (and just in case anyone doesn't know, the "j" is pronounced like a "y" - and then it's very Eastern European!) and Helen Bedd. I like! Oh, and possibly a girl with the last name of 'Head' - who makes a mistake in her law school class and asks the teacher if there's anything she can do for extra credit. "Well, Ms. Head...."
I saw MWFB right when The Meat and I got back from fishing!!! I had ALMOST missed him, so the timing was so perfect! I showed him the picture of me holding the fish and it took awhile for him to believe it. I had to show him more than one picture, and swear that it was really me holding a live fish! He's so funny, I LOVE when I see him, and especially when he suddenly drops by! It makes my whole day, seriously!!! I walked him downstairs and we chatted and laughed, and gave each other hugs goodbye - I still always get the hug wrong, cause I'm used to going over - around the neck - but with him, he has to go over and I have to go under, and then he's so silly and does a silly leg hook!! Have I mentioned how he makes me laugh!!!! He's just wonderful!!!
And then, I hung out for a bit with The Meat and The Queen, and then Florida Girl and Mr. Asparagus came by - they were helping The Meat out with a class. I wanted to hang out with them a little more, but they had to prepare. And silly Mr. Asparagus was so serious about it - highlighting stuff in the fact scenario and reading it over in another room so he wasn't distracted - he makes me laugh!!! Still, it was fun seeing them for a bit. I so miss having Florida Girl around every day. I am still in withdrawal (sp?). I miss her! But I like that I can call her anytime and she's happy to talk to me and not too boringly busy. :) They are going to have no choice but to hang out with me now and then! No choice!!! And I will gladly go to a bar and watch football with them anytime - I love that!!! Or just watch football with them at their place, even though I may get tipsy, and happily so. For hints to them when they read this - I'll watch football or any other sport, I'll go out to Fitzgerald's, since I've wanted to go for a year now, or I'll do anything else fun or even not fun! :) I just like hanging out with them sometimes, since I have so much fun being with them!! But, also for them - I hope I don't sound like an obsessive stalker here! Cause I'm not, I swear! I just love you both! And you're my friends!
Tonight, when I was almost home, Warsteiner called. I let it go to voicemail and called him back when I got home. He sounded so down. He worked almost the whole weekend. He stayed there all night on Friday and on Saturday morning at 8:30 a.m., he slept for two hours and then continued working the rest of the day. And it was the same thing on Saturday night, except he went home for a few hours. The big change-over was supposed to happen over the weekend, but he said that when they were all finished and the bigwigs came to look at it and test it, they didn't like part of it somehow, so now they have to do a lot of it all over again, just in some different way. So now, according to him, they should have it ready on Friday and then have all weekend to test and perfect it. I asked him about five times whether he was FOR SURE coming to the Sox game with me on Friday, and he assured me, unconditionally, that he was coming and so so so looking forward to it. He sounded so down and blue. I told him I would kidnap him if he even thought of standing me up. But I don't think that will be necessary. I think he'll come, and be so excited about it. He needs some fun and a night out!
It has been only two and a half weeks since I've had sex. It seriously seems like so much longer...