Harry Potter, Warsteiner and Hemingway
First thing: I have become obsessed, yes, OBSESSED, with Harry Potter! I am such a dork, I know! I played hooky yesterday and slept, and slept some more, and then I picked up Harry (6th book) and finished the last 200 pages. Oh My Gosh. I was crying and crying at the end! And THEN, I spent the entire rest of the afternoon and evening and until midnight, doing nothing except reading everything online that I could find regarding Harry. I read some forums, I read mugglenet.com, I read the leaky cauldron site, I read JK Rowling's own site, and I read the best and longest interview with JK herself by a guy from mugglenet and a girl from the leaky cauldron. I couldn't stop! I'm obsessed, and yes, such a dork!!! I think I want to reread all the books again, so I can find all the little things, and maybe know more about what will happen in the 7th and last book, which will probably not come out for 3 MORE YEARS!!! But, the 4th movie is coming out in November, and Florida Girl, The Italian Chef and I are going to see it on the first day!!!! So I'm dorky, but I'm not alone :)
Second thing: Tomorrow night is the White Sox game, which I'm so excited about. I'm going with The Bold One, her guy, and we'll of course see our cool South-sider friends there as well! And of course, Warsteiner is supposed to go with me. As you will remember, I talked to him on Tuesday? or Monday? - anyway, earlier this week, and he assured me numerous times that he would FOR SURE be going to the game with me. Well, early this afternoon I received the following email from him:
"Hey RS hottie:
The management here is going over the conversion timeline for this weekend. There is a chance that I may have to bail from the baseball game :( I should know by 2-2:30.
The folks here know about the baseball game with a beauty -- but at this point they don't give a rats A**.
I'll keep you posted. I want mas cervezas from around the globe!!!!!!!!"
What the Fuck??? I have decided that Warsteiner has no spine and no balls. Seriously, the principle here just pisses the fuck out of me!!! It's just work! It's just a job!! It's not LIFE!! And it shouldn't keep you from living!!! Warsteiner routinely works until ten or eleven at night, and sometimes later. And whenever I talk to him, he's always either the only one still there, or one of two still there. There are many consultants on this project, and apparently they all know how to leave. So, one: I think he's so stupid for always staying so late when obviously he doesn't really have to, since others don't. Two: because he obviously puts in the time and more, he should have the fucking balls to tell 'management' to go fuck themselves, that he's taking Friday night off, and he'll be in on Saturday. I of course would tell them to go fuck themselves regarding more than just Friday night, but at the very least he should be able to do that. A review: they know he has plans for Friday night, and they still may tell him he has to work. He has probably put in 80 hours or more a week for the past couple months. He should be able to say "FUCK YOU!!!"
Here's my feeling on what is going to happen to Warsteiner. When (hopefully many years from now) he dies, there will be a funeral. IF anyone from 'management' even came, it would be to mourn the fact that they lost the guy with no balls who they could make work 18 hours a day. His children will not be talking about what a great dad he was because he worked all the time and they never saw him. And his 5th wife - the others will all have left him due to lack of attention - will not be talking about what a great husband he was because every night when he came home at midnight, he would be so quiet and not disturb her sleep, and the same when he got up and left the house at 6 am - and she won't be talking about how he was so wonderful because during the 6 hours that he was home each day, he didn't snore. Life is so much more than working from 6 am to midnight!! But apparently he doesn't get it. And I still think he's the most spineless and ball-less man I ever met!
Okay, I'll stop with the rant. It's more the principle that bothers me than him. But it's a principle I feel strongly about! I know some people will disagree with me. And granted, I've never had a job like that, that's so demanding on time. However, I don't want that kind of job, which is why I choose not to start working for law firm which would require that. So anyway, I heard nothing from him at 2:00, and nothing from him at 2:30. It's now after 6:30 and I haven't heard anything. There can be two interpretations. First, that he can go to the game. Second, that he can't go - or more correctly, isn't going because he has no balls - and he just doesn't yet have the guts to write the email or call. I am betting on the second interpretation. I'm almost positive that he won't go.
Anyway, on a happier note, this afternoon when things calmed down and I had time, I looked at tons of possible Halloween outfits online!! How fun is that!! I usually wait until two days before Halloween to start thinking of what I can be. I'm not promising that I won't again procrastinate until two days before, but at least I've started thinking about it! And there are so many cute outfits out there! My one problem - I am having those terrible mental food cravings. Damn PMS to hell!!! I won't be able to wear a little sexy outfit if I eat like I'd love to eat right now!
I am really determined to be good tonight, to clean my place and start my weekend out right! I know I say that almost every day, but I NEED to follow through. And I need to find some other things to do this weekend as well. The Sox game is the only thing I have planned. And that leaves all day Saturday, Sunday and Monday. If I don't find anything else to do, I'll be so excited about going to work on Tuesday due to my starvation for company!
Oh - on the walk from the bus to my place tonight, I saw Hemingway! He was getting into his car, and he looked at me but I'm not sure if at first he could place me. Then, at the end of the street when I was waiting to cross, he yelled something out the window at me like "go ahead sweetheart" or "after you honey" or something like that. And then after I crossed and he turned, I looked back and he was going slowly and waved at me, so I waved back. Interesting! He definitely remembered me from Caribou. I guess next time I see him there, I'll get to talk to him! And find out what country he's from!
I have one other job for tonight that I just gave myself two seconds ago - finish my match profile so I can post it and start meeting some guys!
I will post as soon as I hear anything from Warsteiner. But his pussy-self better let me know tonight! So I have time to find someone else to go. And I'm not asking Wiggles again. First, because he's too weird for me to hang out with so soon - I know I'm mean, but he can get annoying! And second, he might get the wrong idea if I ask him two times in a row to go with me.
Oh - something made me so happy today! I got a comment from Paula in Spain!!!! I was so excited!! Thank you, Paula!!! I've so far only visited Barcelona (where I sunbathed and jumped in the waves topless, so fun!), but I want to see much more in Spain and especially experience much more of the culture! Anyway, it made me so happy!!!! And I'm not a stalker, don't worry! I just love everything having to do with Europe! And the idea that someone in Europe reads this is just cool to me! Yes, I'll say it again, I can be a dork!
I'll now see how long it takes Warsteiner to call or email me! But I admit, I'm getting really annoyed and am about to send him an email.