Change of plans, dammit!
Warsteiner called me at 3:30 and told me the bad news that he can't go to the game. The asshole bosses told them all that no one can leave until after the bosses have their 5:00 meeting, and then they'll let them all know whether they can go home, or whether they have to stay late tonight. So, at best, the meeting would get done at 6:00, they would tell him he could leave, he'd drive home in Labor Day traffic and get home at 7:30, then have to change, walk to the L and get down to the stadium - he wouldn't be there until 8:30. Game starts at 7:00. Soooooo, I've been trying to find someone to go with me, but no one can. And I'm not surprised, since it's VERY last minute! I'll try to sell the extra ticket outside the game. Or more likely, I'll have The Bold One try to sell it, since she's bold! Warsteiner did tell me that he'd pay for it, though. Even if I did find someone else to go. And he did feel really bad. And said he knows he's in the shit hole. And he said, I don't know at this point if I believe him, that work is not usually like this at all.
Oh yay! Florida Girl just called, and tomorrow night I'm going with her and Mr. Asparagus out to Batavia to watch a friend of theirs who plays in a band. Yay! I love fun outings, and since I never go to the suburbs, this is like a fun field trip!!!!
I'm waiting to hear now from The Bold One and then I'll be going. Okay, I just called and I'm going to meet her there now. And I have to take out a lot of money now, since I have to cover this ticket until I can sell it or get money from Warsteiner! And before I go, I'm going to email him just to let him know that I couldn't find anyone to go, so he'll feel a tiny bit extra bad, even though I do know that this time it's not his fault at all.