A terrible way to wake up in the morning
The biggest, blackest, most disgusting spider to ever live, with the longest and most grossly moving black legs!!! It was on my shower curtain by the shower head!!! I don't know where it was during the five minutes before that while I was standing there, but it must have been right by my head!!!!! The thought is absolutely revolting!!!!
I stood there in shock for a minute. I couldn't throw water at it to knock it off, because my drain is plugged and then it would be just swimming with me - iiicccckkkkk!!!!! So the only other choice: The Bug Catcher aka one of the best inventions EVER CREATED!!! I jumped out of the shower and ran to my living room to unplug it from its charger. James and Emma were looking quite alarmed at me running suddenly while all wet!
Back in the bathroom, I peeked around the shower curtain to make sure The Devil Spider was still well on the opposite side of the curtain, and then I got it and sucked the bastard up!!! I still get chills whenever I think about it, and how close it must have been to my head!!!!! (Just got another chill after typing that).
Anyway, I so highly recommend The Bug Catcher. It is worth EVERY CENT!!! I can't tell you how many spiders I've caught over the past few years, and without having to stand on a chair and get close to them, and worry about them jumping on me, or falling on me - iiiiccccckkkkk!!!!! And also, I don't have to then squish the gross beasts and end up with gross stuff on my walls and ceilings - iiiicccckkkk!!!
So, there is my hearty endorsement for One of the Best Inventions Ever!
And from now on, I will be carefully checking all over my shower whenever I get in. The evil spiders need to just stay the fuck OUT of my apartment!!! They have the WHOLE EFFING OUTDOORS, and have even taken over my balcony, so they don't need to try to take over the inside where I live as well!!!!