My recent boringness
No matter where you live or how old you are, you can decide to change your life. That's amazing. - Angelina Jolie
Regarding the quote, I love it. I'm not the biggest fan of Angelina's right now, just from the over-exposure/break-up of Brad and Jennifer thing, and she also seems holier-than-thou sometimes. However, I still respect her and think she's pretty damn cool!
I've just been reading a bunch of other blogs - I know, I need to get a life! Anyway, after reading so many wonderful blogs, written by wonderful writers, I am feeling a bit blue about my own writing ability. However, I try to tell myself that when I write, I do so by an almost stream-of-consciousness method, and so that's my own way. And it wouldn't be me if I suddenly started doing something that I'm not comfortable with. Still, I'm being ultra-critical of myself right now.
And then that makes me feel disgusted with myself. People in three states are homeless and are missing relatives, friends and neighbors. They are going through something unimagineable, and I'm sure it will affect their entire lives from here on out, and in so many ways. And I'm worried about my writing ability!!!
I can't afford to give any money to the rescue, relief and eventual rebuilding effort right now. I'm behind on my bills. I'm not even going to go into it. I feel like everyone is doing something or giving something, and I'm just here being bothered and thinking about it so much. But doing nothing. I can't offer to house someone, because I don't have an extra room, and even if I did, I would be extremely hesitant for other reasons so that it's not even an option. I'm thinking that maybe, when the people in those three states start rebuilding and need volunteers, maybe I could go down and help them? I heard someone from Habitat for Humanity say that eventually they'll need people to help rebuild. I could do that! I've never done it before, but I'm strong, I can hammer in nails and I'm sure I can do much more as well! I hang all my own pictures, and they are always straight the first time!!! So maybe, as long as I have another job by then that pays me more, so that I can afford the flight down there, I'll help in that way! Some of you will so agree with me here, and others will think I'm a bleeding heart, but oh well!!!
By the way, and on an almost complete change of subject, I saw something so cute tonight that I'm going to get for my dad for a fun Christmas present, just a little joke-present: a little chocolate set of tools!!! How cute is that! My dad LOVES his tools, and especially collecting them, so he'll get a kick out of these cute chocolate tools. Other chocolates: a makeup/hair set; a chocolate palm pilot; chocolates wrapped in Euro-wrappers; chocolates wrapped in national flag wrappers. There were some other really cute ones, too, but now I can't remember them! I'm so excited about the tools, though!!!
Hmmm, other than that I have been really boring for the past couple days! I've been reading, sometimes my book, more often articles and blogs on the internet. And I've been being really lazy. I did get my Mystic Tan tonight though! And tomorrow morning, I'll do my laundry. Because it is absolutely necessary. Oh - and after work tonight I went first to Old Navy and tried on tons of cheap things, and ended up getting two cute v-neck t-shirts and two scarf belts. And then I went to Marshall Fields and got some makeup, though I ended up getting just slightly more than I had planned on. Tomorrow I'll try it out! I LOVE new makeup, it's so fun!!! (And yes, I know I spent money here that could have gone to the relief effort. BUT, I don't have a single belt, so I needed something to hold up the jeans I love that are big in the waist, and I also am just running out of clothes to wear, period. And also, I needed the makeup I bought. I bought one extra eyeshadow, but I will use it.)
I have a pair of folded jeans on my dining room table, and little Emma is curled up and sleeping on them. She looks absolutely adorable!!! And little James is completely stretched out on the couch with me!!! They are my little angels!
Maybe tomorrow night at FitzGerald's, I'll meet some hot cowboy guy who can take me for a ride on his horsey!!! Giddiup, cowboy!!!!! :)