My place is PRISTINE!!! (as long as you don't look in the bedroom)
So, I'm sitting right now on a clean couch, with a clean coffee table in front of me (where the computer sits), and everywhere that I look I see clean carpet, and clean and dustless TV, tables, and shelves. And I know that my dishwasher is holding all newly-cleaned dishes (which, and this will be very important, I must take out ALL TOGETHER later, instead of my usual taking out one dish at a time and stacking the dirty ones all over the counter), and my bathroom is clean and sparkling, and my living room is bright with light!!!! I'm so happy!!!!
So, now that my place looks good, I can call my maintenance man to replace the lightbulb above my table, a lightbulb in the kitchen and a lightbulb in the bathroom. And most importantly, unplug the very, very, very plugged up bathtub. Which smells. I bought a pretty apple-cinnamon scented thing tonight that is currently open in the bathroom to mask the horrible drain smell. But I couldn't call him before, because I didn't want him seeing my place so nasty!
The only thing left - the cyclone of a bedroom. I had to throw into the bedroom a few random things that belong in the bedroom but that were in the living room. It started out not the best, and now it's worse. Tomorrow - I'll hang up all the clothes in the precariously-stacked pile on the dresser, and put away all my shoes, and clean up my makeup, and throw away the bags of cat poop and pee sitting on top of the litter pan, and hang up all the hangers on the floor, and fold all the other stuff, and do something with the other random items lurking around on the floor. And then I'll vacuum in there, too!!! Oh my gosh, I can't wait for it to be as gorgeous as the rest of my place!!!! I'm so TOTALLY going to work at keeping my place clean from now on, cause I feel so amazing and so much more in control of everything when it's like this!!!!
The German came at about 7:30 and left at about 9:30. He put his bags from Trader Joe's in the frige, pulling out the brats, buns, and pickles. He was manly for me and temporarily (because the devils will return) cleared my balcony of spiderwebs. Then fired up the grill, did the grill thing, and served us up a wonderful dinner!
From when he first got here, I was a little annoyed with him, though. Sometimes he just seems like he's in a hurry. He's rushing in some way. So I was annoyed! He fired up the grill right away, no hanging out. He didn't bring any beer for us to drink, which made him seem all the more rushed and not relaxed. I felt like he was rushing everything a bit. And he's a little too rough with James, even though James seems to like it like that. And our conversation just wasn't flowing as much.
So, I was ready for him to leave quickly after eating and was fine with that. But then he hung around for awhile and wanted to cuddle on the couch and try to tickle my feet. I went along with it, but wasn't protesting when he finally left. I think I just got in a bit of a bad mood when he arrived seeming in such a hurry.
We opened my computer at one point so he could he could show me a friend's website. I knew I had some windows open, so I hurried to close them, but he definitely saw, although quickly, the page just after posting where it says very large, something like "Your blog is now published" - and the name of my blog was on the top. So I'm worried about how quickly his eyes might have scanned that and registered it all, and that he may now try to look this up! I hope not, because I write about him since he's still very much a part of my life and sometimes of my romantic emotions. BUT, I'm going to keep writing as if he doesn't know about this. And if somehow he does, he BETTER TELL ME HE KNOWS!!!! (I had to add that hint just in case!)
The whole previous paragraph of worries, by the way, reminds me very much of New York Moments's recent post on anonymity - remaining completely anonymous in a blog so that you can say anything and everything on your mind vs. giving the blog address to friends (and sometimes family) so they can read and enjoy and know you, but at the risk that you may not put everything in the blog. For my part, I want my blog to remain anonymous to most people, which is why I haven't yet put my picture and real name on here, but most especially to the men who I write about. But I have given a lot of my friends and couple family members the link, and I love that they get to know me better and/or just be entertained! I love it when they read this and I like when they tell other friends about it! But I don't want guys like The German to find it and read it. For a number of reasons. Mostly, so that I can keep writing exactly as I'm feeling, when I'm feeling it, and even after I felt it, and not worry about the objects of those sometimes-feelings reading about them - I want to stay honest the way I have been. And in other cases, I wouldn't want the guys reading the sometimes bad things I may say about them. I don't want to worry that I'm hurting anyone's feelings!
However, I'm going to keep writing just like I have been. And I'll keep assuming that The German doesn't see this and if he does, that he'll tell me he saw it. I sometimes give more information than I need to, or write too much, or whatever, but I know that the people who I've told about this blog won't mind! And yes, I don't write EVERYTHING that I would write if this were completely anonymous. In that case, I'd fully admit how much I sometimes drink. And I will talk about the alcohol problem that I have at some point, but I'm just not ready yet, knowing that a lot of my friends read this. And I've only told two people about it and am not ready to fully deal with it and/or hope to not have to - anyway, this is all for another post! So anyway, for the most part, I am completely honest and write just what I feel and think, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love that I can be 99% complete and honest about my feelings, and have my friends share in this, as well as other wonderful people! And I wouldn't want that extra 1% back and give up the sharing part with my friends. So, that's my LONG AND DRAWN OUT weigh-in, I guess, on the anonymity issue!!!
By the way, have I mentioned HOW GORGEOUS MY APARTMENT IS TONIGHT!!!!! It's FABULOUS!!!
I emailed my resume to a woman at the city today. And told her in the email that on Monday I'd walk my whole application packet over to the office. This is for a job that was open maybe a year and half ago, and I didn't apply for it then even though The Meat encouraged it a bit. But I haven't heard a peep about the job I so want, and maybe no one will be hired, since time is running out. And I need money so desperately! (The Italian Chef and I actually talked about seeing what kind of mindless part-time jobs there may be, like data entry or something.) Also, I really don't think I would do well nor like working for a firm. Government is more my style and comfort level.
So anyway, the guy who took the job before left (to move to Philly since his fiancee got a job there), and Florida confirmed, through a friend of hers at her firm, that the job is still open and they are still looking. A lot of things about this job sound really good to me, and some sound terrifying. And I worry about whether I'd be good at it and whether I could really perform it well. But it sounds like a really good possibility, and I'm interested definitely. And it pays much better than what I'm getting now! Also, on Monday I'm going to call the human resources woman and ask about all the attorney job openings, so that I can have an idea of what other departments are hiring. Just for curiousity! In case one of those would be more perfect! So at least I won't be wondering afterward. But, this job opening is really promising, and I admit that I'm kind of excited about it, and equally nervous! It would at least start out as challenging though, and that would be really good for me, I think!
I'm going to be lazy now and keep looking at my gorgeous, fabulously clean apartment and smile, smile, smile!!!!