My wonderful Friday night!! And a couple other drunken thoughts!
TIC and I left work at 4:00 so we could get to Northwestern Hospital for TIC's doctor appointment. When we were on the bus going there, TIC told me that, to keep the peace in her house, she had decided to let her husband have sex with her so he wouldn't be so ornery (sp?). It doesn't sound funny as I write it, but it's absolutely hilarious when she says these things, and talks about him and sex. He's 68, and she's always complaining about how a man of his age shouldn't want sex so much. She's very Italian and so she can get hot tempered, and I think he likes it! It's a kind of foreplay for him! And the way she puts it, how she will put up with having sex with him, is that she "can take two minutes to keep the peace..." And by two minutes - yes, that's all the time he takes. Every time. And what's funny is that she would be happy with even less, but after every single time, he gives a sigh/moan, and then an excuse as to why he came so fast. Every single time!!! And she wants to laugh and at the same time tell him that she'd be happy if he lasted one second. It's just so funny to hear these things! The stories about him just crack me up! Also, they just started sleeping in the same bed again now that they had their upstairs turned into rooms, and TIC told her husband that he couldn't come home tired and fall asleep in his clothes; instead, he had to change and wear pajamas. This is so cute: he got a pair of blue cotton pj's, with the shirt and pants, only they didn't fit him because he's so short and small. So, he actually took them to a tailor and got them altered!!! How funny is that! He had the pants shortened and the sleeves on the shirt shortened! It's so so so cute!!! Just to please TIC! And I get a smile on my face whenever I picture him coming out of a little tiny dressing area in his pj's and standing there to have them altered!!! It's hilarious!!! And in the cutest way!!!!
So anyway, after TIC's doctor appointment, we took the bus to her house and hung out for a couple hours until Florida and Asparagus got there. There was lots of Italian-style yelling at her house today! It's always fun and always amusing. And I also always love being there - because I just love the constant flow of people and drama! Florida and Asparagus got there at about 7:30, and soon after we left for the restaurant.
And it's one of those many nights with all of them where I won't remember specific details or exactly what we talked about, but I will always remember where we sat, what we ate, and how much fun we had during the whole night! And I'll remember how I told Asparagus about the trials involving steel companies, and how horny they get me - because the following words/phrases are used constantly: erection, erecting, members, and steel members. And I know there are two more terms, because I have kept a list at one point, but I can't remember the others right now! But it's fair to say that during those trials, at some points, I am not paying any attention to the actual testimony and am instead paying attention to the many fantasties and dreams and sexual situations floating through my head!!!
Back to tonight - I love these guys. I really do. And part of me feels and knows that I will be always be in contact with them and close to them, and part of me is scared because I know things change, and I know Florida and Asparagus are planning on having a baby and moving to the suburbs and it really scares me that I'll never see them then and will lose contact. And they're so fun and cool that I don't want that to happen. But I'm really bad about calling people, so I worry.
I had a sex dream about The Meat last night. It was a little disturbing, although hot. The dream was, as most dreams are, running all over the place. Mostly, it was a reception for my brother and TSIL, but before they were married, so that it was a full reception, but also then a bachelor/bachelorette party afterward. That part of the dream lasted for forever. And then, everyone was leaving, and I was planning on going up to my room. But then The Meat appeared and said, "we're going out somewhere, right?" And I said, "of course!" So we went with a bunch of guys from the party (no one I knew, just random faces in my dream) and we were all standing on some L train while it went, and no one was really talking. The Meat was standing behind me, and he would grab my waist or thigh every now and then. And then suddenly, he lifted the back of my skirt (yes, I was wearing a skirt in my dream, which is unlike me usually) and he slid his dick in me from behind. And it felt so good! But at the same time, I saw the guys around us looking at it and knew that it was completely obvious. So I pulled away and turned to him and told him he had to wait and pushed him back in his pants. Then we got of the L and somehow we then got back to my room. It wasn't my apartment but more just my bedroom, but just bigger and different. So we fell on the bed, and he said I was going to be happy this time (because apparently, there was another time when I had serviced him quite nicely). He had on just his pants and a t-shirt, and he took off the t-shirt. And we kissed. And then he was working on my pussy. And then somehow, dreamlike, we were on another bed and I got up to go there to him. I was wondering about a necklace he had around his neck. I had only glimsed it, but it was on a thin gold chain and looked almost like one of those Jewish stars, but at the same time I knew it wasn't that, which was why I wanted to get a new and good look at it. But I never did. I don't remember much after this, although I remember him entering me once from on top, and once from behind. But no other details. Like I said, disturbing, but also hot and arousing. But I don't want to be having dreams like this, because I like having a little crush from afar, but absolutely nothing further.

I want to get the DVD of Y Tu Mama Tambien. I love that movie. I saw it in the theater and left feeling that my eyes had been opened and my life changed in some way. The dialog is fabulous, the cinematography is fabulous, and

And I also want to get the DVD of Motorcycle Diaries, which is also a wonderful movie, and so interesting since it's based on the diary of Che Guevara. I bought the book of his diary translated into English soon after the movie came out, but it's still on my shelf here, waiting to

I'm going to fall asleep any time now - I'm both drunk and tired. Tonight was so wonderful and I love nights like this when I hang out with my friends and am just so so so happy!!!!