The Fat Project is soooooo back in business!!!
So on Friday, he did the same thing, and when I told him that I would be that weight eventually, he started laughing and said no way. Now, it's not THAT off! I mean, 20 pounds, but that's not a lot! And it's the weight that I should be, and I could stand to be a little lighter even. SO, I like a challenge, and this was rising to a challenge. I told him to give me five months - that by the end of January I'll be down to that weight. I love a challenge and need it to inspire me!!
So today, I am beginning my slight changes, etc. For food today, I had 5 crackers in the morning, with a cup of coffee; a medium bowl of mostly chicken broth for a late lunch; and a piece of banana bread with a bit of frosting on it that my boss gave me (not the best thing, but free). And I have in front of me a full glass of water - I'm determined to drink 2 full glasses before I have any dinner - which will be a thing of Ramen noodles (I'm poor, and I have them here - it's expensive buying vegetables and chicken!) and some broccoli from the frozen bag in the freezer.
And tomorrow, I'm going to work out during lunch! I haven't been to the gym in about 6 weeks, since a little before my brother's wedding. So I'm starting again. Three times a week - I'm not going to try to go crazy, but I will try to get at least three workouts in during a week. And I want to figure out some healthy things to eat during the day - like yogurt for breakfast, and maybe some little ham sandwich for lunch with some vegetable to go along with it. I'll have to think about that part more - I need something that's easy and also relatively cheap. I'm going to ask Asparagus for advice - he's the health expert! So Asparagus, start thinking about my program - should I do both cardio and weight machines? More of one than the other? Both every time I work out? When on the weight machines, should I do heavy weights so it completely tires my muscles or a little lighter and more reps?
Anyway, I'm so super excited now!!!! I have a plan, and I will start towards improving myself again! I'm also going to work really hard at not drinking during the week. And to cut down a lot overall. I want to be svelte and proud of myself again, and not wanting to hide in my clothes. And it's time! Tivo mentioned today that she wants to be in better shape by the time she turns 30 at the end of December. By the time I turn 30, I also want to be able to say that I'm in the best shape I've been in years, which won't be too hard. But I'm not going to wait until next July for my deadline - January, that's what I'm going to work for. I'm going to meet The Meat's challenge!!!! Yay!!!!
Also, on a complete change of subject, I saw a REALLY CUTE GUY TODAY at work!!! He looked at me a couple times too, as I was slyly checking him out, and of course doing my best to send hot and sexy vibes his way :) And one of the clerks knows him a bit because he's always over by her boss on cases. She reported that he's single and really nice! And also, that he was born in Italy - holy shit, for all who know me, those are MAGIC WORDS - coming from another country, especially a European country!!! He must have lived here most of his life, because she said only every once in awhile does he have a tiny bit of an accent. But I think his mother lives in Italy right now. I told her that next time he's in, she's supposed to tell him how wonderful I am, and I'm going to keep my eye out now by her so I can maybe be really bold and introduce myself if I see him!!! :)
And on a slightly different note, do you all remember hearing when we were young about how a man reaches his sexual peek when he's 18 and a woman when she's 30? Well, I don't buy it either. BUT, I was talking to The Italian Chef about it this morning because, and I hate even saying that I'm nearing age 30 (because I'm shocked to see that it's very true - where did all those years disappear to?), but I am thinking about and obsessed with sex more and more all the time now-a-days. I threw in some Rocco as soon as I got home today. And I have read in New York Moments' blog and also I believe in I am, therefore I date's blog, very high reviews of the Hitachi Magic Wand. I'm going to invest in a new toy for myself!!! After Friday, when I get paid, that is! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!