My Sunday, and The Fat Project Update
My alarm was set for 9:30 a.m. and I slept a little later, but still, I got up at 10:00 a.m. - yay me!!! And The German had called right before I finally got up - the phone was in the living room and my bed was so comfy, so I didn't bother answering even though I heard it ring. Anyway, he came over at noon (he brought six more porn tapes for me - as he converts the VHSs to DVDs, he brings me the old VHSs!) and we headed to Logan Square for brunch at Lula's. We took the Fullerton bus all the way out there, and I love seeing different areas of Chicago other than those I'm used to.
Once on the bus and once while we were waiting to be seated, The German asked me what was wrong - I was being a little pissy with him. Now, the main reason that he was annoying me a little was because of his German-ness: he's so damn direct and so bluntly opinionated and for an example, when we were talking about different areas of the city, he said that MWFB's area is "pffff, very boring, nothing to interest me" (said in his of course, German accent). I pointed out that there are lots of condo buildings around there and little bars and restaurants to which he responded, "you may like it, Tigress, but to me there is nothing there of interest, nothing at all." And he says it in such a poopoo kind of way that I feel like he's saying "it's okay if you like it, since you don't have as high standards as me, but my opinion of you is slightly lowered for not having my wonderful and high standards." I know he doesn't mean it like that, but he says it like that. And even though I have known him now for well over two years, I still don't like that German straight-forwardness. He doesn't have to be SO blunt and honest, and could instead, like Americans, just say something like "yes, it's okay and has gotten better; not my favorite place, but okay." Or SOMETHING so that he doesn't sound so damn harsh!!
Anyway, I pointed all that out to him the second time that he asked me what was wrong, while we were waiting. "Tigress, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with what you think! I'm just stating my opinion!" Me: "I hate that German aspect of you!" And then he pointed out that he's always like that and I don't get upset, and that he knows me well enough to know that something's wrong besides his German-ness. And that made me start to cry. Because he's right, I don't normally get so annoyed with his little things, and I'm taking out whatever is wrong on him by getting annoyed and being testy - and it made me also realize that he's like my family here in Chicago, because I wouldn't feel comfortable being like that around anyone else. I used to do that to my parents, and still do sometimes. And now I did it to him. So, I was teary for two reasons: 1) my realization that The German is my family and I'm so close to him, and he knew something was wrong because he knows me so well, and 2) I didn't even realize anything was wrong, but apparently my issues are still there, though under the surface rather than weeping out of me during mentral moodiness. And the fact that I started crying so quickly added credence to #2.
All was better after that, except my eyes were stinging a little for the next couple hours. But The German held me in a nice, strong hug while we waited to be seated. And then we had a wonderful brunch for the next hour. We split two of their specials, one was cornmeal pancakes with some wonderful compote and grape-like things on top, very yummy! And the other, my favorite one, was - oh shit, I can never remember this stupid name - it had a piece of bread on the bottom, and then some thinly shaved canadian bacon stuff, and then two eggs over easy over that, and some very thinly sliced and I think a bit cooked pickles, and then some cream sauce on top. Oh yum!!! I'm not that big of a sweet fan (the pancakes), but I love eggs and especially this with meat and cream and all that!!! Soooo good!
After we finished, we walked arm in arm, using our umbrellas, to Fullerton to re-catch the bus. Oh - so cutesy - I had on a red shirt, and he had on a navy shirt. When he first came to my house, I picked up my red umbrella and he had his navy one - so we decided to switch cause otherwise it would look too silly with each of us matching our umbrellas. But if I had seen anyone on the street while we were walking after brunch with our opposite-matching umbrellas up, I would have had them take our picture! We took the bus to Lincoln & Halsted, and then walked to a nearby consignment shop to look around. There were a lot of really nice clothes there! Just none in my size, so I figured it had been picked over during the weekend. I'm going to have to check that place out again! He walked me back to my apartment and came up for a few minutes, and brushed James and gave him his rough time of love.
After he left, I went to the store next door and got a toilet brush (I kept forgetting to get one since I moved!) and also some draino for my severely clogged bathtub. So when I got back, I first went to work on my kitchen and threw away everything on the counter and loaded all the millions of items in the dishwasher, and cleaned and scrubbed everywhere. And then I moved my bathroom and cleaned the toilet, the sink, the mirror, poured draino in the tub and came back out to straighten my living room, and after a long time, returned to find the tub mostly unclogged - yay!!!!!!!! So I then fully scrubbed the tub to get all the gross shit out of it. And so now, my place is so pretty, and looks lovely!!
I meant to do laundry too, but that's not going to happen tonight.

Let's see, what else? I watched BBC World News while going through a couple of catalogs so I could throw them out afterward. And now I'm also waiting for Desperate Housewives to start in 45 minutes. And after that is Grey's Anatomy, with the very yummy Patrick Dempsey!!!!
The Fat Project update:
Wednesday, September 21
1 cup coffee w/ creamer
About 15 Ritz crackers
Half a nectarine
2/3 package of Carr's crackers
5/6ths of a Brie wedge
1 + bottle of Pinot Grigio
Thursday, September 22
Final 1/6th of Brie wedge
About 12 Carr's crackers
1 bag of microwave popcorn - cheese flavored
3 glasses chardonnay (at charity event), 1 glass pinot grigio (at restaurant afterward), 1 glass pinot grigio (at home at end of night)
About 10 tiny appetizers at charity event
Friday, September 23
1 yogurt
5 Ritz crackers
1 cup of leftover pad see eiw with beef
At dinner: 4 glasses frozen margaritas, amazing baked cheese on tortilla, a bunch of tortilla chips, 1 1/2 carne asada enchiladas and a bit of the refried beans
2 glasses merlot
Saturday, September 24
2 1/2 carne asada enchiladas plus leftover refried beans
Spinach artichoke parmisan dip with some tortilla chips
A few mozarella sticks
1 bottle merlot
Sunday, September 25
2 cups coffee w/ cream
1 1/2 pancakes w/ compote and syrup
1 breakfast thing - half slice of bread, 1 egg, sliced pickles, and yummy cream
1/2 slice of cheesecake
1 bottle pinot grigio
Hmmm, and I might have to have a bit of a snack later
Oh - one other good thing: for tomorrow morning I have instant oatmeal to eat, and today I got bread, thinly sliced ham and thinly sliced roast beef, so I'll make myself a healthy sandwiches for lunch from now on! And also, I'll put some frozen broccoli in a tupperware and cook that up as well for lunch! Yay! And tomorrow I don't think I have anything after work, so I'll be going to the gym! Or, if my boss doesn't come in, I'll go during lunch. I'm going to get in shape, and I'm doing a good job of starting!!! I just need to work on the alcohol....