My lazy day, bad news, and venting about TSIL
When I finally got up, I moved my lazy ass to the couch. I couldn't use my computer because it was on the fritz again and not using power other than to charge the battery, but it wasn't doing that either. So I spent three hours watching episodes of Cathouse on HBO On Demand. I recorded my favorite one. And rabbitted a couple times. (I was planning to go get the Hitachi Magic Wand today, but as I was so lazy, I'll wait until tomorrow, and I can't wait to try it out!) After that I decided I needed a change, so I watched The Dreamers, again on HBO On Demand. I remember this movie being at Landmark a year or so ago, and I knew that it had a lot of sex in it, and was based in Paris. However, it was mostly very disturbing and weird. I usually like arthouse-type films, but the relationship between brother and sister in this movie was just wrong, and even the atmosphere of these three people living in the same house and hardly ever leaving, and just drinking all the time and not even having food to eat, was depressing. There was a lot of sex and lots of nudity - full nudity - mostly of the girl, Eva Green, who has an absolutely amazing body. But there was also plenty of nudity with regard to the two guys, and quite a few views of cock. Normally, I'd like all the sex and all the nudity. But the movie was just so weird and disturbing, and I couldn't understand why the third guy would realistically want to stay with this brother and sister, and I found myself waiting for it to be over, and that was only at a quarter-way through! I did watch the whole thing though, just because I can't not finish a movie. I was happy when it was over.
On a completely different note, yesterday at work my boss got really bad news about his wife, and I saw him flustered for the very first time ever about her, which was really scary. His wife has had melanoma for years; it's probably been at least five years since she had her first cancerous mole removed. And for the past three years since I've worked there, she has had cancerous moles removed almost monthly from one calf, which is where the cancer was seeming to stay. She has had three procedures over the past three years, always focusing just on the leg. The most recent one was just a month ago, and she's still recovering from it. For the past couple years, she has also had monthly PET scans, to ensure that the cancer hasn't metastisized (sp?) into other organs. A month ago, the scan showed two dark areas in her lungs. And she got the results of a CAT scan back on Friday - the two spots have both grown, making it almost certain that the cancer has metastisized and is now in her lungs. My boss has been in denial about the seriousness and severity of her cancer since I first met him. On Friday, when he came in to tell The Meat and I what they found out, he was so flustered. He couldn't even remember whether he shut his office door, and said "I'm just not thinking very clearly right now." He left two seconds later. I feel so awful for him and for his wife. They will be going to a doctor sometime next week, as soon as she can get in. They've seen that doctor before and discussed doing an experimental treatment called Bio-Chemotherapy. I don't know whether the treatment will have to be altered to deal with the lung cancer specifically. I am going to be so good from now on and get to work by 9:30 every day, because my boss needs all the help and support and lack of stress as possible now. I have just never seen him flustered like that. His wife is only 52, and she will probably not live too many more years, all because of melanoma, which I'd always heard was one of the worst cancers, but never realized why.
I have to worry, too, because I have really light skin, strawberry blond hair, and light green eyes - a perfect candidate for skin cancer. My mom had a melanoma removed from her forearm a year ago. I always wear high spf lotion now, and even my daily face lotion has spf 30 in it, but I have had a number of bad burns when I was younger. Not tons, but some. After what has happened to my boss's wife, it really scares me. She's so young, and won't live a full life, which is so unfair. I don't want that to happen to me!
Jumping around again - my brother and TSIL are moving to Atlanta. They'd been thinking of moving there, and my brother flew down a couple weeks ago and had a couple interviews there. He got an offer that he likes, and he's starting there October 12. The Bitch/TSIL is going to move laterally from her current hotel to the hotel in Atlanta. So this Monday through Wednesday, Little Brother is driving down there to find an apartment for them. He only wants to rent for six months and then plans on buying a place. He's been obsessed with buying a a house since he was about five years old. So he'll be happy.
I'm torn about him moving there. On the one hand, I will get to go visit him there, and I'd love to see and explore Atlanta. But also, Atlanta is so much further away than Indianapolis, and now when he and The Bitch come to visit, it will either be by flying or by driving a long way, and so he'll have more excuses to not visit for just a weekend.
Now, to The Bitch/TSIL. My mom emailed me last weekend and said that TSIL was still bringing up to my brother how I changed out of my dress early, and how she never told me I could change or take my hair down. She is such a fucking cunt. It's been over six weeks since their wedding and she's still fucking pissed off about that! She needs to get a fucking life. Anyway, my mom told me that she keeps putting my brother in the middle because he's getting the brunt of it, since he obviously lives with her. And my mom wants me to just apologize to my brother for not waiting for him to ask TSIL before I changed, and she said to also apologize to TSIL if it really comes down to it. I will apologize to my brother, but only after pointing out first why I changed, and second how The Bitch acted towards me the whole day, not to mention the whole weekend. I will not apologize to her. Not unless I can point out her every single bitchy behavior of that weekend to her first.
Also, she has told my brother that the only thing I did the entire day of the wedding was complain about my hair. That is such complete fucking bullshit. She never even spoke to me once, so I don't know how she'd know anyway. But I didn't. No, I didn't like my hair. And I know I said to a couple bridesmaids a couple times that I couldn't wait to take it out. But we were all together from 8:30 a.m. until the wedding at 3:30 p.m. So me making maybe four comments does not add up to me "complaining the whole day." I tried laughing with the other bridesmaids, I talked with them, I took pictures of everyone, I exclaimed over TSIL's hair and dress and everything, I talked to the photographer about photography, and during the hour at lunch I laughed at all the funny stories and only was pissed at TSIL since she hadn't made eye contact with me all day and was purposefully being a little spoiled cunt-bitch. So the fact that she's LYING about me to my brother, and continuously bringing up me changing, makes me first of all want to smack the little whore, and second, makes me really believe that she's trying to turn my brother against me.
Which won't happen, but she's setting the stage for not hanging out with my family as much. It's no secret, based on her behavior and things she said to family members while wasted at her rehearsal dinner, that she doesn't like my mom at all. And she doesn't like me either, since I don't fawn all over her. And even though I don't want my brother to be hurt, I hope they get a divorce within three years. The sooner the better. She's such a bitch anyway. And EVERYONE sees it except for her family and my brother!!! All my brother's friends think she's extreme high maintenance and a complete bitch. Everyone on my brother's side at the wedding who met her for the first time at the wedding, or even met her a few times before, all know that she's a bitch. My brother is THE ONE AND ONLY who doesn't see this. And I wouldn't be surprised if she cheated on him eventually. One of my brother's fraternity brothers lives in Atlanta, and my brother has even said that he worried about this guy and TSIL at certain points. And when I visited my brother at college and saw TSIL with this guy, I firmly believed that she had a thing for him. Also of note - her mother, who she adores, cheated on TSIL's biological father with her now stepfather, and I believe she divorced him while pregnant with TSIL. And then her mom turned TSIL completely against her biological father.
My brother emailed me this week to tell me about his move. I'm going to call him on Monday when he's on his way to Atlanta, and without The Bitch, and I'll talk to him about everything then, including finally addressing her nagging of him about me changing. I won't let him know that I hate her, but I will tell him about her behavior, even though he makes excuses for every single time that she's a bitch - which is pretty much all the time. She's a fucking cunt whore asswipe fucking spoiled little bitch! And even that isn't strong enough language!!!!! I need some more really terrible words, but none are coming to mind.
Plans for tomorrow: get my Hitachi Magic Wand, do some laundry, clean my kitchen, maybe go for a walk along the lake, and finish an opinion. I won't sleep in until 1:00 tomorrow afternoon. Instead, I'll set my alarm for 9:30 a.m.!