I can't think of a good title today
I know I'm being so cryptic, but I don't have the energy to get into it right now. It shouldn't be too hard to guess, though. It's something that I have to do, absolutely have to do. But it's not going to be easy, in so many ways. And I want to do it, but also don't want to do it.
I just finished watching first the Martha Stewart Apprentice and then Lost, which is just the best, even though we didn't get as many answers as I was hoping we would. And I'm downloading a bunch of music right now. I keep playing Sia - Breathe Me over and over and over again. The music fits my mood completely, and the words reflect pretty much what I'm feeling as well. As soon as I post this, I'm going to pick up my Tom Robbins book and get back to reading.
I bought two books at Borders today during lunch, and I'm so looking forward to reading both of them. So after Tom Robbins, I will read A Million Little Pieces by James Frey, which will be particularly relevant to my life right now and hopefully give me some extra inspiration. And after that, Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho.
Little James is peaking around the corner, just staring at the sliding glass door. It was really windy right when I got home, and the wind knocked one the chairs on my balcony over on its back and made a really loud noise, and James was sitting very near the window when it happened. Poor little guy, he went racing into the bedroom and every once in awhile he comes and peaks out, or sits looking into the room, but all he'll do is stare at the door. He'll be better eventually, but I don't want to rush him either. I just pet him a bit here and there, but sometimes when I approach him he runs back into the bedroom. Emma is much braver right now, and usually she's the little scare-dy-cat!
On to today's Fat Project tally:
Wednesday, September 28
Ham sandwich for breakfast
Ham sandwich for lunch
Large latte
Ramen noodles for dinner
And I've been drinking lots of water - so peeing a lot as a result :)