New! - Q&A Tuesday
1. How many speeding tickets have you had? Accidents?
I haven't had a car for the past seven years, living in Chicago. But before that - a week after a got my license, I got my dad's car in a fender-bender. Because I was stupid and looking for a certain restaurant when coming to a stop light and the cars stopped in front of me. There appeared to be no damage to my dad's car, and the other car had just a little paint damage to the bumper. I was scared of my dad's anger, and my mom's as well, so I told the young guy (who was driving his mom's car) that I'd pay for whatever damage had occurred, and to just please not call the police.
His mom called a couple days later, and my mom handed me the phone very weirdly as it was a woman who asked for me, and used my real first name (which I use now) instead of a nickname (which everyone used then). She told me the estimate was around $350, and I met her at a nearby parking lot and gave her cash. A few days later, my dad called me out to the garage - he had noticed that on each side of his car, his bumper was pushed back a little so as to create a little bump on each side. I burst into tears and told my parents the whole story. They were mad that I didn't tell them, and also furious that this woman took advantage of me.
Besides that, I got one speeding ticket on my way to high school. Not to say I shouldn't have gotten more! Oh - and my high school boyfriend (the six-year guy) did get my Jeep into two accidents, because he was stupid.
2. Boxers, briefs or commando?
For me - thongs. And sometimes commando. Especially sometimes commando w/ regards to the bra. Except during certain times of the month when my boobs are sore, and then I wear the very tight pms bras that prevent any movement. What do I prefer in guys? I think those longer briefs are sexy as hell, but I don't know if I'd trust a guy who wore them regularly. I prefer boxers - says good things to me about the guy.
3. Have you ever had sex in your office or your place of employment?
Ummm, yes. And Florida - you are not allowed to tell!! :) Back when My Deputy used to work at my location, we would often go to the stairwell during work hours. And also, he would get off at 6:00 p.m., so many times I'd stay until then, he'd come up, and we'd go in my boss's office to fuck. And once, we went to another floor and fucked on a table in a side room.
4. Do you own a motorcycle? Do you ever ride one? Do you wear a helmet when you ride?
I've never ridden on a motorcycle. And they scare me, more so because of the other drivers who may be crazy and not see the motorcycle. I'd definitely wear a helmet if I was on one.
But, after hearing from The Meat that at 90 mph the vibration is perfect to make a girl very, very, very happy, I am slightly curious.
5. Ever been skinny dipping?
This is going to sound sad. Because I'd love to go skinny dipping on a regular basis.
I did it once in high school. And I have done it a couple times in hot tubs. And in Barcelona, I went topless into the Mediterranean - which felt AMAZING. I think I'd love to go to a nude beach, just so I could be in the ocean naked.
Bonus: Ever been arrested? Turned someone in/had someone arrested?
Nope. But I almost think my life would be more interesting if I had been arrested sometime. But I'd want it to be for something good, like protesting something terrible, as opposed to for something bad that I did. I almost wish that I had been arrested when I was younger - it would give me some good stories to tell, and would have been, I'm sure, an interesting experience.
Feel free to do it yourself!!! It's so fun to answer random questions!!! And also, helps others to get to know things about you!